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The children stood facing Fox as they glanced around the area.

"How are we gonna get out of here?" Alexandra bit her lip looking thoughtful. Fox's eyes flickered to her lips then to her face running his hand through his hair.

"Hold up," a light blush crossed over his small amount of freckles on his nose. He bit his lip in concentration before drawing an imaginary rectangle in the air. A light pop sounded as a black rectangle hole appeared.

"IS THAT DOCTOR WHO'S DOOR!?" Emilia exclaimed eyeing the door suspiciously. Fox rubbed his face awkwardly.

"What's doctor who?" he asked innocently causing Emilia to gasp.

"You don't k-"

"Come on. We gotta hurry," Angelique cut Emilia off rushing into the door with the others following behind closely. Once they walked into the door. The world faded and began to spin round and round and round. Lights glowed around the children.

"Are we in heaven?" Emilia asked. Sylvynir clucked his tongue shaking his head.

"Oh, right. We aren't in heaven cos you guys are here," Emilia smirked. Birds chirped and trees rustled.

"We're here now. Hurry. We've gotta find your friends. Time is running out," Fox glanced around anxiously. The children all separated as they called and looked for their friends. A small rustle caught their attention as they turned towards it only to let out a breath of relief as they realised it was just their animal friends.

"Oh phew. We're in time," Emeral muttered.

"Well, just in time," a sly voice spoke behind the children. They whirled around in defence. Only to see Fox standing there.

"Look over here. There's footprints which shows that the hunters are here from minutes ago," he frowned. Monkey, hawk and snake both latched themselves onto Alexandra whilst tiger approached Emilia happily and foxy nuzzled Sylvynir. Muffled footsteps and thumps vibrated on the ground.

"They're here," Fox hissed they glanced around. They were surrounded! The hunters appeared. Animal skin draped lazily on their bodies and horrible scars scattered across their flesh.

"Well, well, well. Look here. The animals and the children," one of the man sneered his eyes ran over the victims in front. They're humans. The children thought. They bared their fangs at the humans who laughed.

"We're not only animal hunters but supernatural hunters. Isn't that right?" the men laughed. 

"A secret association right? Well, happy for us. The whole place is bombed when you're here. Now we just gotta finish you up," Prince Vynx appeared. The other supernatural creatures growled and howled advancing towards the surviving hunters.

"Who's your boss?" one of the supernatural demanded.

"Med? Ded? Or was it Fred?" the men replied grabbing their weapons. The children tensed up hearing his name.

"Fred. Yes that's him," Fox growled lowly in crouched position as the hunters circled the supernatural creatures. Suddenly, they lunged slashing their weapons ferociously. The supernatural creatures fought back. Vynx appeared near the group as they shot off escaping the forest unseen.

"Right, I've heard what you wanted to find out. The legends of the dragons. Did you know the dragon-riders and dragons are actually important figures in the Silver Terrain?" Vynx asked. Fox watched the surrounding closely as the others shook their heads.

"Well. The dragon and riders are important figures because they are known to be official protectors of their lands. Now, the girl and her dragon is one fighter from Silver Terrain. She wanted to join the fight because she was the Chosen girl in the prophecy to end the war. Every single prophecy the Chosen Ones seem to just die and be gone which is very weird. I want ya'll to find the truth. The place where the girl disappeared is in the Grey Valley. Be careful when you go there. There are some dangers and unknown problems that may get in your way. Journey safely southwards. Here's the map. You must not loose the map or else danger will happen elsewhere. Be aware," the prince explained handing the map into the hands of Fox turning to the others. Fox opened the map and grinned at the small pack. Emeral, Vynx, Alexandra, Angelique, Emilia, Sylvynir, monkey, snake, foxy, hawk and tiger.

"This is going to be fun," he murmured turning to Alexandra.

"I know that you are good with maps that's why you are in charge of it. Vynx. Join us through the journey. Don't leave. You have the knowledge," Fox nodded. Emilia grinned tying her jet black hair into a braided bun. Sylvynir blew at his loose strand of blonde hair before nodding at the others.

"That's great. Then I shall join ya'll. I think we will meet more people and animals on our journey," the prince stared at the sun which was slowly heading towards the horizon.

"Right, let's start the journey," Alexandra announced. Silence fell and only sounds of the quiet wind could be heard. Tiger turned to Emilia who decided it was good enough to sit on her tiger friend. Monkey dangled on Alexandra's left shoulder staring at the map, snake wrapped itself around Alex's neck whilst hawk sat comfortably on Alex's shoulder. 

"We should just climb up this cliff," Alexandra jabbed at the tall cliff in front of the children. They stared at the cliff with concentration as they tried figuring out how to climb the cliff. A short howl caught their attentions as they turned around. A young greyish whiteish black wolf appeared staring at the children curiously with its blue eyes.

"Can you help us wolf?" Alexandra asked. The wolf blinked at them before turning around. Alexandra trailed after the wolf with the others following behind her curiously. The wolf led them up a slope. The children grabbed the side wall for support as they trudged after the wolf.

"Thanks wolfy. Would you want to join our journey?" Emilia asked. The wolf grinned showing its fangs as it trot next to tiger. The children turned looking at the horizon. The sun was just setting. A sound which sounds like the wand from Harry Potter made the children turn around to see an animal which seems to be a lynx, bobcat hybrid. Its ears flickered and its blackish purple eyes stared at the children. It was glowing blue like a patronus from Harry Potter but its fur colour was a tabby black and silverish gold colour.

"Wow. What are you?" Angelique asked. The creature stared silently at the children as it seems to be judging them before vanishing into a red panda and Arctic fox.

"Whoah. Bruh, how'd you do that?" Emilia asked incredulously. The two creatures hopped on board lazily onto the wolf who didn't seem to mind. Alexandra waved her hands spectaculating the sunset. Monkey, snake and hawk all hopped off Alexandra and onto wolf.

"Looks like you're being admired wolf," Emeral joked. Fox and Vynx turned to the distance in front of them towards the blank area.

"We should head a bit further and then find a place to rest," Sylvynir clicked his tongue as the others nodded.

"We should,"


This is exciting. Which animal do you like? Which character do you like so far? Danger is coming soon! Someone is returning in the next chapter. 

1206 words.

Stories Within The Legends (Prophecy Of The Chosen Ones Series) 2Where stories live. Discover now