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500 Years Ago

Roaring winds and crashing waves, trees sway dangerously. Thunder rumbles nearby and thousands of eyes watched from the shadows. Tiny pieces of junk spins in circles. Nothing can be done as their village was torn apart by angry spirits.

"It's alright," says ones mother as quiet sobs and tears racks through families. Night falls as fires are lit. The villagers toss them in and watched them burn.

"So long EctraFly," they say. Quiet chants filled the air as they march off into the distance towards their doom.

"So long," an unknown quiet whisper sails through the wind.

Present Time

Emilia, Sylvynir and Alexandra travelled in the woods for as long as they could remember. Just kidding. It's only been 2 days.

"Well.. Are we lost Alex?" Emilia asked suspiciously glancing around the humongously, tall trees. Alexandra stared at her with an 'are you serious?' look which made Emilia shrug.

"We've been travelling for daaayyyyysss," she drawled looking at the sky. Alexandra smirked.

"You wish to be lost? Well, then get lost," she snickered. Emilia glared before snickering back. 

"Where will I get lost?" she smirked. Sylvynir sighed. 

"Look what's in front of ya'll will you?" he asked. Emilia turned with a bemused look on her face.

"Where are we?" she asked. Cars bustled past as humans bristled with irritation as they wait to cross the road.

"The human city," Alexandra grinned looking pleased. 

"Look! The café!" Emilia smiled hopping energetically.

"We shall go there," she started to walk to the direction.

"What about the money?" Alexandra demanded frowning. Emilia sighed with disappointment. Sylvynir patted her back awkwardly. 

"That's a shame. I want to drink coffee," Emilia muttered. Alexandra shook her head looking cheerful.

"Well then. We'll find a way. The power of coffee," Alexandra sang. They hurried towards the café and pushed the door open. A jingling bell sounded as they stepped inside. Coffee smells wafted into their noses as they walked to a random seat. Emilia walked to the counter greeting the girl behind it.

"Hello, what'd ya like?" the cashier spoke in a British accent. Emilia grinned.

"What's the special edition?" she asked scanning through the menu.

"Oh! The special edition are caramel coffee with chocolate drink and marshmallows," the cashier replied. Emilia nodded eagerly.

"Yes please. Three please," Emilia answered. The cashier smiled gently before quickly disappearing inside the hidden kitchen and appeared with three drinks.

"That'll be $7," the cashier smiled warmly at Emilia who looked lost. 

"Geez, I don't have money," she muttered under her breath before glancing at the cashier and smiled awkwardly.

"I'll pay after we erm finish," Emilia explained quietly. The cashier chuckled shaking her head.

"No problem. Enjoy!" she handed the coffee to Emilia. Emilia arrived at her table placing the drinks down.

Stories Within The Legends (Prophecy Of The Chosen Ones Series) 2Where stories live. Discover now