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Days turn to nights as nights turn to another day. Yet, the children still have not arrived at Eblenorth the lost city.

"Do you even know where we are?!" Emeral demanded facing Angelique who looked slightly guilty. SLIGHTLY. Keyword: slightly. JUST SLIGHTLY. Nah, he's extremely guilty.

"Er. No......" he trailed off running his hand through his hair. Emeral groaned as Alexandra stared at the sky exasperatedly.

"How are we stuck with this dumbo?!!" she demanded. 

"I'm not a dumbo!" Angelique replied mockingly and horrified.

"YOU NINCOMPOOP!!! I BET PIGS CAN FLY BECAUSE OF YOU!!!" Emilia exclaimed accusingly. Sylvynir sighed.

"Okay Angelique. This is you. OH EM GEE I'M A BIG-BRAIN!! OH EM GEE I RULE!! EVERYONE SUCK!! OH EM GEEEE IS THA-THERE'S A FLYING PIG?!!!," Alexandra yelled. 

"I don't say that!" Angelique complained before turning around and his eyes widened. There, there, there now. In front of their eyes was in fact an actual flying pig which was puffing and flapping veryyyyy slowly in the sky. The others eyes' widened. Suddenly, the pig noticed them. It snorted a puff of air and shot off into the distance very quickly without struggling.

"Well.... That was.. Unexpected?" Sylvynir blinked staring at the place in the sky where the pig just was.

"Guys. Look where the sun is. It's rising. The sun now is on the east which means north is that way," Alexandra pointed to the north.

"Now we must head that way," Emeral added. 

"Well done genius," Angelique drawled. Afternoon fell harshly onto the group as they finally reached the destination. Dead silence filled the area. Not a single sound could be heard except the footsteps of the group walking over fallen trees.

"This is scary," Emilia whispered. The air became colder as they reached the dark area. Fallen and burnt buildings half-stood. Rubbles and stones were everywhere.

"Can we go look for bones?" Angelique asked glancing around. 

"This is the skeleton of the lost city. We have found the bones," Alexandra explained as they walked closer and closer to the half toppled building.

"The Eblenorth Academy," Angelique murmured. The children scoured around the area silently. 

"Guys check this out. This is the basement. I wonder what the basement is for," Sylvynir beckoned the others. They glanced around. The walls were grey and dull. Scratches and stench filled the area.

"Ew. What caused this stench?" Angelique wrinkled his nose. The group scanned around the basement. The cells were still standing surprisingly. Finally, they reached the last cell. Bodies were laying there.Two bodies lying on the ground. The children kneeled down inspecting the two bodies on the ground.

"Oh my. The bodies still have the clothes on. Look. The doctor and this person. They looked to be stabbed. Someone killed them," Angelique pointed out on the corpse. They glanced around. Dark red stains were on the ground around the corpses.

"This is freaky. Let's go upstairs," Emeral lead the group away from the cell and they trudged upstairs. They pushed some random doors open which surprisingly seems to be dusty and left as the way it was before the attack. Four bodies were laid down on the bed wrapped up in fine silk. 

"They look like mummies. I think they're the Chosen Ones," Emilia whispered as they nodded and looked around the room. Used candles were placed on the table. The children paced inside the room running their fingers along the wall. Click! They whirled around. Alexandra was facing the wall with interest before pushing it open.

"A secret doorway," she hissed. The others hopped into the secret doorway and walked down the stairs quietly. The trailed their fingers against the wall.

"This part seems to be pulled out," Sylvynir murmured. They finally reached the bottom of the steps and let out a breath of awe staring at the words on the walls. Scrawled neatly and arts of things were decorated.

"What is this? Latin of old prophecies," Alexandra pointed. A cold wind ruffled the children's hair. They turned and noted how there was a tunnel.

"Come on," Emilia ran straight to the tunnel with the others right behind her. They finally arrived and met with a sight of a beautifully carved silver mossed gate attached to the side but was open and slumped halfway on the floor.

"What is this place?" Emeral asked. They carefully stepped over the gate and kept walking forward. A quiet trickling sound of water caught their attention. They turned around and saw a glowing blue water dripping from the roof. The children's eyes caught something glowing. They hurried towards it and realised it was a river of the glowing blue water. A small brick bridge was carved over the river. The children walked onto the bridge admiring the small rushing river below it. Golden glints caught their eyes as the saw golden little fishes flicking through the water. 

"Wow," the children drew in a breath as they finally reached the other side of the bridge. The kept walking forward a light near the front greeted them warmly. Eventually, they stepped out of the dark.

"What can I do for you?" a soft wispy voice caught their attention. They met a sight of a younger boy staring at them curiously. His amber eyes were cat or snake-like and his hair is fiery red. The children breathed cautiously.

"Who are you?" Alexandra asked. The boy smiled showing his fangs.

"I'm from the Silver Terrain. A shapeshifter," he replied charmingly.

"What is this place then?" Emilia asked being serious again. The boy tilted his head innocently.

"This place was made by the Light Creatures 350 years ago. They thought of building this place to reconnect and rebuild their friendships with the Dark Creatures. It worked but then 150 years later. The Light Creature queen destroyed this place. She was enraged that the Dark Creatures wanted to mix all creatures together. The history of them do not mix well together. You have arrived here just in time because all information are now wiped out. The secret doorway you found is gone. You are just here with me. The only room," the boy replied. The group looked around before breathing slightly.

"What's your name?" Emeral asked.

"My name is Fox. It's nice to meet you the survivors of the lost city," Fox smiled cunningly at the group. The group nodded slightly.

"Do you know anything about the vanishment of the dragon rider and her dragon?" Sylvynir asked. Fox shook his head.

"You may need to ask Vynx. The prince of Vrore Vrul," Fox grin. Sylvynir, Emilia and Alexandra sighed.

"Great," they muttered sarcastically. 

"He's not that bad. He's my friend. I'll join you through the journey to the palace. By the way. You may need your animal friends. They are important. We must get to them before they are taken away by Fred," Fox scowled slightly. The children jumped to their feet.

"Come on. Follow me. We'll get out of here quickly and find your animal friends before it's late," Fox beckoned the group in his mysterious and yet mixed up accent.


Hi guys. Isn't this great that the survivors have found the secret doorway? The secret place now is gone. How do you think of Fox? Isn't he cute? What do you think will happen in the next chapter?

1222 words.

Stories Within The Legends (Prophecy Of The Chosen Ones Series) 2Where stories live. Discover now