Chapter 7: THE SPIRIT

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A boy appeared. He has raven black hair and diamond blue eyes. He turned his attention to the three children who looked like they wanted to be anywhere but here.

"What are you doing here? I thought this place is rather secluded for visitors," his spoke coldly regarding the three children as he leant on his dragon. Alexandra shrugged.

"We just came for 'somethings'. Besides why are you here?" Alexandra replied blankly. The boy stared back suspiciously.

"What do you mean by 'somethings'?" he demanded icily ignoring her question. Emilia gulped.

"Do you know the song 'Da Coconut Nut Song'?" Emilia asked. Awkward silence filled the air. The boy blinked twice confused of what she said before shifting his gaze to Sylvynir who stood beside her. Sylvynir shifted uncomfortably. Emilia was actually his biological cousin. Many people always got the wrong idea. But a huge shock came to him when the boy sniffed the air gazing at the two of them.

"Do you know what your couzin mean?" he asked in his unknown accent. Sylvynir shrugged avoiding the boy's sharp gaze.

"Where are you from? You don't look like you belong here," the boy asked. Alexandra glanced at the others unsurely. A sudden feeling of déjà vu washed over the children ripping open their wounds and grief fell out.

"Eblenorth," Alexandra mumbled. It was a surprise the boy heard her. His face softened slightly. 

"Where are you off to?" he asked. The children shrugged walking towards the valley glancing around for their friends. The children looked incredibly lost and grief-stricken. A huge sympathy washed over the young teenage boy watching them. He shook his feelings away. The same thing had happened in the past and he did not want it to happen again. Firelight stared at his rider with sadness. Emilia was incredibly sad. Her new best friends! They were gone. The three children poked the rushing water. It was extremely cold. The boy pushed himself off his dragon approaching the young children who seemed like 12 year olds.

"How old are you?" he spoke softly. 

"Twelve," Alexandra replied sitting down. The boy stared at the children with intent interest. Alexandra slid into the water. Her grey-blue eyes narrowed at a fish swimming past her. The fish was eerily grey. Blood red eyes. The fish grew bigger and bigger until Alexandra realised that the fish was surfacing. The children on land backed away in alarm. Alexandra came face to face with the fish who opened its mouth wide at her. Alexandra swam back away from the fish which kept coming closer. Sylvynir and Emilia breathed in. They shifted into their animals. Alexandra backed away. Her fangs grew longer and her body turned into Smilodon. Emilia a cheetah and Sylvynir a cougar. The fish gurgled lunging at them landing on the land with a thump. The big cats' hackles rose as they prepared battle. The young teenager patted his dragon to stop him from attacking as they watched the big cats take down the fish. The children shift back panting slightly.

"What was that thing?" Emilia asked. The teen boy stared at the fish with disdain before turning to the children.

"A Ferazader. This fish is kinda associated to the Ferals. You won't know of it though," the teenager stood up.

"What's your name?" Alexandra asked. The boy turned smiling softly at her.

"My name is Jaden Night. I'm a dragon-rider from 'The Arctica Legend'," Jaden smiled, his fangs showing.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Alexandra, she's Emilia and he's Sylvynir. We're from Eblenorth," Alexandra introduced. Jaden's cat-like eyes glinted. 

"Do you want to ride on my dragon?" Jaden asked sweetly. The children nodded. Soon everyone were on board on the dragon. The dragon swept off into the sky. He flew low near the valley. The children glanced around for their friends. An opening was spotted from cliff. The dragon swooped landing perfectly at the mouth of the cave. They glanced around silently before walking silently into the cave. Cold air spun around the visitors as they walked inside. A quiet echo of dripping water and footsteps vibrated gently. Darkness swallowed up the children as they stepped inside. The dragon stayed close to his rider. They finally reached a lit up place. They glanced around with shock. A statue of a girl laid on the ground. A smell of smoke reached their nose as they turned around to see a humongous dragon. An ancient dragon. It growled and bared its fangs at them. 

"I think.. we found the truth of the lost dragon-rider and her dragon. She has been turned to stone," Alexandra mumbled. The ancient was a beautiful black dragon. His obsidian eyes stared at the surprisingly calm visitors. Then let out a low growl. Alexandra stepped up to face the dragon. Her friends watched silently. The ancient dragon stared confusedly at her.

"Do you know Fred?" Alexandra asked calmly. The ancient dragon let out a roar hearing the name.

"Do you know how to kill him?" Alexandra questioned again not affected by the roar. The dragon's eyes glinted darkly.

"I guess he knows," Alexandra turned to the others. The others nodded watching as the dragon nudged the statue softly.

"Can we uncurse her?" Emilia asked eyeing the statue. Jaden shook his head. His bangs moved covering his eyes and he blew at his bangs staring at the statue. His diamond blue eyes hidden slightly behind his hair.

"If we do. She'll die and turn to dust. If the curse ends it will become like that and her dragon will die along with her," Jaden murmured. 

"I think we should uncurse her. Then she and her dragon will be in peace," Emilia answered seriously again. Alexandra grinned. Her grey-blue eyes glowed with warmth. Sylvynir inclined his head in agreement. Jaden sighed.

"Okay, beware of what will happen. Don't panic though," he warned the children before closing his eyes. His fingertips glowed silver with purple wisps drifted from his hands. The children followed after him. They opened their eyes which were glowing gold. The wisp circled around the dragon and his rider. The ancient dragon allowed the wisps circle around him. The solid splotches disappeared and came soft skin of the dragon-rider girl. Her soft golden hair drifted around her face. The dragon closed its eyes as it turned to dust with the girl. A beautiful ocean blue glowed around the dust. It formed into the girl and the ancient dragon. They smiled in gratitude at the shocked children.

"Thank you, for saving and helping us. Have this blue orb. Emilia, treasure it in your necklace. It will help you all in the future. If you want to find your friends. Head into the woods. Look for a firefly. It will lead you towards a treasure box. You must look after the box like your own child and then one night, you will be visited by your friends," the spirit of the girl spoke. The blue orb from her hands floated into Emilia's necklace which made it shimmer. The spirits vanished leaving the children awestruck.


Ack, I got a cold. Yay, my bday is tday. This chapter is good. Hope you enjoyed. I'm sure the book will end soon. But let's hope it's at least longer than 10 chapters. Thanks.

1224 words.

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