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Frosty air nipped the four's finger as they reached the villains' territory.

"Is it just me or is this place keeps getting creepier," Emilia whispered. Sylvynir, Alexandra and Hydra shrugged. 

"I'm not surprise that the king left with every single of his villains," Sylvynir muttered. Alexandra tugged at the reins towards the huge skeleton of the black castle which the king lives in. The four teenagers leapt down and hurried in through the open window. They sprinted downstairs reaching the bottom of the castle. A huge wooden door stood before them. Murmurs and quiet sobs sounded inside. The four exchanged looks as they slowly approached the door.

"It's where all the villagers are kept," Hydra whispered. They glanced at each other before smashing the door open. Many villagers stood huddled in groups. They eyes widened immensely at the teenagers.

"CHILDRENNN!" Lovei cried happily. The four glanced around before nodding slightly.

"We need you all to help us. We must end the villains once and for all. Do you agree?" Alexandra spoke coolly. Emilia eyed all the villagers as their faces turned wary. They nodded in agreement.

"Okai dokaiii! Time to get movinnng," Emilia beamed.

Meanwhile: The Other Four

Fox stared at the huge commotion wondering what to do. 

"We just need to hold them back, from breaking the doors, so the others have enough time to come," Jaden stared blankly at the swarm of black creatures.

"Aha! We need to summon our force in our powers," Emeral explained staring at Fox's puzzled expression. Angelique nodded in agreement. The teens summoned a strong force that shot into the door that looked like it could break down any moment. King Montogem, the villain king howled in anger. 

"They are comiiinnnng!" Fox pointed into the distance. Many silhouettes appeared.

"Damn. You guys ready?" Angelique asked. The others nodded. It was time to defeat the villains.

Vynx's POV

I blinked at the landscape around me. Faint sounds of running water reached my ears. I sighed peacefully.

"Vynx," a soft whisper echoed towards me. Whirling around, I was greeted the sight of a girl, no older than me. Her pale blue eyes stare blankly with wild emotions swirling in them. Her long blood red hair tumbled down her shoulders as she faced me.

"Rosa?" I mumbled with confusion. The girl stared at me before dropping to the floor. 

"My name's not Rosa. It's Rose," she hissed. Her pale blue eyes vanished and turned completely black. Her blood red hair turned grey like ash. 

"Rose-" I stumbled back fearfully. What is this? 

"YOU STUPID KING!!" Rose screeched. The calm view around me turned to a horrifying view.

"Wha-what?" I gulped, my fingers twitching. Rose slowly advanced towards me. She smiled sickly. Her face twisted in pain.

"Your kingdom is under attack, Vynx my dear," she sneered.

"Yet, you are still here. Sleeping like the lazy creature you are and letting your people fend for themselves. That's not proper king is it?" she continued. 


"WHAT!? DON'T YOU GET IT? WAKE UP! GET UP, YOU DAMN IDIOT!!!" Rose snarled lunging at me. I shot awake, fear clawing at me. Screams, shouts and sounds of banging met my ears. I winced painfully hurriedly getting out of bed and walked towards the balcony.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" I roared. Silence fell until one menacing yet familiar voice replied me. My stomach did a flip as I flinched and stared below me.

"Ah. Vynx," the villain king cackled madly. I stared at my destroyed kingdom. Houses burnt to ash and people were wailing and crying as the villains serving the king herded them into a huge ship.

"What do you want?!" I called loudly running my hand through my hair in fear.

"Mmhmm. You are the last village to conquer. HAHA! After defeating you all. I SHALL RULE THE WORLD! First by entering your castle, I will go through the portal to the human world and make them work for me!" the villain king cackled madly.

"Seriously?" a soft voice spoke. The villain king froze, his eyes widened. A woman appeared with another man. The villain king stuttered. He gasp for breath.

"I- I thought you were dead," he whispered. I stays silent staring at the woman in front of me. She was the one from my dream. Rose. Her name seems foreign in my mind. I gulped nervously. The man beside her stood silently staring at the villain king.

"WHO ARE YOU?" King Montogem roared glaring at the man beside Rose. He chuckled darkly.

"I am what you call. A lover," the man smiled. King Montogem's face contorted in fury. Before he could say a thing. A loud roar rattled my castle. I glanced up with confusion. Suddenly, my face lit up. My friends appeared on their dragons. Many other dragons appeared. Demon dragons. Their red eyes bore into King Montogem's huge figure. Trees rustled and ferals appeared. Their blood red eyes trained on the villain king. Suddenly, I recognised two children. The one in the picture Lovei shown me.. they were his niece and nephew!

"Rose, my dear.. What is happening?" King Montogem trembled. Rose narrowed her eyes.

"We. Need. To. End. You." she gritted out. King Montogem's eyes narrowed, burning with fire.

"HOW DARE YOU!!" he screamed. The ground shook wildly.

"I HAVE THE- most precious truth. That none of you will find out," the king whispered lowly. Rose smirked menacingly before advancing to her ex. 

"What is that my dear?" she trailed her fingers through the king's hair. The king shuddered weakly. He lost his grip to his secret.

"I cheated.. on you with your twin. We had a brilliant daughter named Lyra. I controlled her to control Keres. It was like a dream come true.. UNTIL THE CHOSEN ONES TOOK IT AWAY!!" he confessed screaming madly. Ohh. So he is Lyra's father. Our mission is three quarters accomplished. I thought silently. Rose dropped her hand scowling. I hurried into my room quickly changing before rushing back to the balcony to see what was going on.

"I am Rose. My twin is Rosa. She is the one who really died. AFTER ALL THESE YEARS. YOU STILL DON'T KNOW WHO'S WHO?!" Rose screeched stabbing her blade into the king's chest. That's when hell broke loose. The good creatures attacked the villains. As things couldn't have gone worse. Abruptly, supernatural hunters appeared out of nowhere and starting to shoot us all. I could've sworn I saw Emilia jump off the dragon fighting the villains. I watched with fear creeping on me as my friends all jumped into the fight. I took a deep breath before charging. I leapt over the balcony to greet the fight.

3rd Person's POV

The world was crying. Everyone were slowly dying. It was like a sudden storm appeared over and over again. Thoughts rush through everyone's mind. Will they make it? A quiet voice whispered over the battle. 

"When the ships sail, we succeed. When the ship sinks, we fail. The ship goes through many storms and yet come out just as it had when it went in. Some, not so lucky. We are like the ships. Go through problems then make it out happy or make it out breaking down," Everyone shivered at the creepy voice. Soon. They thought. The world will soon be back to normal. After, the chosen retrieve the golden goblet of blue blood. They were the tears from the earth that has been snatched away ruthlessly.


Heyy, readers! This book is coming to an end. Woww. Long journey for the teenagers. After this chapter will be the epilogue.. 🥲. Then, be prepared for the next book. Probably the last book of this series!

1289 words.

Stories Within The Legends (Prophecy Of The Chosen Ones Series) 2Where stories live. Discover now