Chapter 19: TOO LATE OR IS IT?

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The wind howled in the teenagers' ears as their horses galloped into the distance. Emeral narrowed her eyes at the silhouette in the distance.

"Wha-" Angelique cut himself off as they reached the silhouette. It was Gypza Village. Silence filled the air as they glanced about. 

"Where's.. everyone?" Alexandra murmured. Jaden sniffed scanning the empty area. The teenagers leapt off their horses and tied them to a post. 

"Guys. Spilt into pairs. We'll all go around looking for clues or whatever is left," Jaden ordered. The teenagers spilt into pairs. Alexandra with Jaden, Sylvynir with Hydra, Emeral with Angelique and Fox with Emilia. Emilia jumped through the window banging and crashing into some stuff in the house as Fox walked leisurely through the door staring in bewilderment at Emilia who was making pot angels lying on the floor in a starfish shape. 

"Wha-?" Fox blinked not once, not twice but thrice. Emilia grinned mischievously.

"I SEE A CLUE!! This," she stood up pointing at the demented angel. Fox tilted his head flickering his eyes from the ground to Emilia. Fox raised his brow.

"Whaaaaaat?" Fox drawled curiously. Emilia kneeled down on the floor rummaging through the pots and picked up something shiny. It glistened in the sunlight. Fox's eyes widened.

"That's Jasmine's ring isn't it?" Fox peered closely at the ring. A cursive signature of J and F.

"Totally," Emilia bobbed her head thoughtfully. The pair hurried out of the house, bird calling the others.

"Yes?" The rest of the group arrived looking alarmed.

"We found Jasmine's ring," Fox held the ring in the air. Jaden narrowed his eyes.

"Where?" he asked. Fox pointed to hut where they found the ring. The group walked through the door peering around the silent house. The fire was still going and a glass of water was spilt on the floor. Jaden raised his brow at the pot angle Emilia made.

"I just had some fun," Emilia whistled feigning innocence.

"EM!!" the group accused. Emilia grinned and shrugged. Fox laughed.

"So what do we do?" Alexandra asked. Jaden frowned.

"Something suspicious is going on.. I don't know why they all left in a rush.." he trailed off. Hydra glanced at Emeral who glanced at Angelique who quickly turned to stare at Sylvynir.

"Why is everyone staring at me?" Sylvynir asked.


"Well we wondered what you have in mind of what has happened-" Angelique was cut off by Sylvynir staring at them all incredulously.

"You guys think I know everything? Well, you know what? Why don't you-"


"Um- unsmart ain't no word," Hydra rolled her eyes.

"Well.. it's a word now. Since it was made by me. By the way.. you better learn good english," Emilia smirked. Hydra choked on her laughter.

"Seriously?" she laughed. Emilia shrugged.

"I think.. we should have my dragon out. We needa find the village which also means going to the villain's territory and revealing ourselves, as we cannot keep running from our problems. We must face them. Which we're gonna start right now. The war shall start very soon. C'mon," Jaden summoned his dragon outside who stretched gleefully. The teenagers hopped on the dragon taking the horses with them. 

"We'll drop them off at Lovei's village," the dragon sped them towards Lovei's village. Silence consumed the air. The teenagers silently lowered the horses into the village's barn and glanced around in alarm.


"I think they have been taken," Sylvynir whispered. Chariots laid broken into some pieces and some houses were torn apart. Smoke was rising from a completely burnt house and only the animals were left hiding. 

"NEXT stop. Vynx's castle. We should go see what's happening right now," Emilia spoke. Firelight, Jaden's dragon flew right up to the forest beside Vynx's village where Vynx's castle overlooked the village below and landed smoothly into a great oak tree. The teenagers stared around and up at Vynx's castle. Black creatures swarmed around the castle door. 

"OPEN UP!!" a huge voice boomed loudly.

"WHY SHOULD WE?! YOU MUST NOT HARM OUR KING!" the guards from inside the castle shouted in reply.

"Kaha. Lol the guards are even in the castle," Emilia snickered and quickly stopped at her friend's look.

"Sorry, I just can't help it. It's just funny," she apologised trying to not laugh again.

"THEN YOU WILL SUFFER!!" the villain king boomed. The black creatures let out an ear-splitting screech as they slammed themselves onto the castle.

"We gotta stop them before it's too late," Hydra frowned at the castle's direction where the villains were going crazy. Sylvynir rubbed his face nervously glancing at the castle again.

"It's going to be hard.. I have no idea how," Sylvynir sighed exhaustedly. 

"No-eye-deer? I have eye-deers for sale. You can have them for free," Emilia grinned making signs to show what she meant whilst she advertised. The others frowned at her with slight annoyance on their faces.

"Stop making jokes. It's not funny right now," Emeral scolded. The others nodded frowning disapprovingly at Emilia who frowned staring at the sky.

"What do we do?" Angelique asked. Alexandra and Jaden frowned at the castle.

"Spanishimo! We must unite the others together to defeat the villains for good," Emilia exclaimed grinning. The others nodded slowly before their faces turned sullen.

"Right now? Coz, everything is happening right now..." Fox replied.

"Well, what if half of us stay and the other we go to the villains' area and rescue the villages?" Emilia pointed out. Jaden and Alexandra slowly came to understand what she meant. Alexandra's face broke into a grin as she slowly explained it to the others.

"So, we need you or we might do it as well.. to address the villages we found and we combine them all together and-" 

"BOOM! There we go. We have our army to fight the villains to end them for all!" Emilia finished after Alexandra. The rest of the group high-fived her.

"Ok. Let's split right now. Emilia, Sylvynir, Alexandra and Hydra you go, the rest stay," Jaden arranged.

"R.I.P for you not being in same group with your lover," Angelique teased. Jaden scowled.

"Well, she and I have dragons. So that's why," he explained.

"WAIIIIT! You like Alexandra?" Emeral grinned cheekily. Jaden rolled his eyes.

"Do not.. just get on with it, you're wasting time," he summoned Andromeda, Alexandra's dragon. Fox gave Emilia a sad look but nonetheless said nothing. The 4 teenagers climbed aboard Andromeda saluting a good-bye to the other half before lifting off. 

"Zoom, zoom, zoom. We're going to the moon. Zoom, zoom, zoom. We're going very soon. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.. BLAST OFF!" Emilia sang. The wind whistled in their ears as they reached the villains' territory.

"Ok, guys. Time to be a hero," Alexandra whispered.  


Hello, guys. I'm baaaaack. Here is another chapter. Enjoyyy! I've been working on it for a while. XD

1174 words.

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