Chapter 13: GOING BACK

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Back at the villains' tower, the king of villains gritted his teeth and slammed his fist onto the table. 

"HOW DID THEY GET AWAY?! HUH!" he roared. Crows fluttered off with alarm into the distance. He turned to his son Fred who bowed lower under his gaze.

"FIND THEM AND BRING THEM BACK BOY!" the king snarled. Fred bit his lip nervously.

"Yes, your majesty," Fred shifted into a crow and shot off into the distance. The king growled lowly. 

"Your fault," the king snickered darkly. Glaring into the distance.

"Oh, thanks for blaming me for your mother's death son," the king mocked his son sarcastically before sighing staring at the picture of his beloved wife. 

"I'll bring you back once I have power. Everyone bowing to me and I'll bring you back. You and I shall rule the world until the end," he cackled. 


Further up North, the teenagers sprinted towards Eblenorth City. The Lost City. Dark trees and long shadows. Sharp grass and fallen buildings. But the teenagers paid them no mind. They sprinted towards the academy. They sprinted up the spiralling stairs following Angelique who lead them towards the library.

"The library is still alive. I'm glad. We gotta do some research," Angelique ordered. The teens grabbed books out and flicking through them hurriedly.

"Guys, go through the demons and monsters section. I'm sure there's some good info in there," Angelique muttered. They wondered through the books until they ended at villains. Emeral's eyes lit up pointing at the book. The others flicked through the pages of the villains book.

"Guys, find page 234. It must have the page of the villains," Angelique muttered. Sylvynir glanced at the page shaking his head at Angelique.

"The page has been ripped off," Sylvynir explained. Alexandra and Hydra glanced at each other with a confused expression. Emilia frowned staring at the dark section. Fox rested his head on her shoulder tiredly. Vynx furrowed his brows and Jaden made a thoughtful face. 

"I think we should head to the lost kingdom," Jaden murmured. Alexandra nodded at him as Fox groaned.

"I'm tirrreeedddd," Fox whined. Emilia patted his head as he rubbed his nose with hers. Vynx rolled his eyes but end up getting scolded by Hydra. Emeral rested her hand on Angelique's shoulder. Sylvynir pouted at Alexandra and Jaden who smirked at him mouthing 'couple time'.

"We should head off now. Alexandra. Suck up the books with your powers please. We have to find another place to keep them," Vynx nodded at Alexandra who grinned back. The teenagers all rushed out of the academy until they spotted a writing on the paper. Glancing at each other uneasily, they read the paper silently.

Dear whoever reads this,

We have been taken down by the monsters and the demons. It was Keres who betrayed his friendship with Aegeus. They created the monsters and demons. But I assume that there is someone else who is responsible for causing Keres to betray his friendship with his best friend. Why do we assume this? Keres's last words were that he and Aegeus were the bestest friends. Why would the bestest of friends betray each other? Obviously, someone caused Keres to do it. Keres was from the dark side which may be why he did it. Keres met his first love Lyra. Who is a daughter of a mysterious someone who we believe is a royal. After they met, Keres's friendship with Aegeus broke off. When we broke into the demons' tower. Keres's look looks as if it could kill. He was aiming it at Lyra. So we made a final conclusion before our death by entering the war. Our conclusion was, someone controlled Keres. Maybe Lyra. Someone controlled Lyra. Maybe her father whoever he is. And maybe someone controlled him. But we are not sure. So we ask you. To find the truth. Please help find the truth. We rely on you. Thank you.

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