Ch.9) So She's Gone?

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**A/N Thank you to everyone who is reading this story!! This chapter is dedicated to my good friend Zoha :D

Niall's POV

"Everyone remembers the plan right?"


"Alright good, because we have to be ready to run right after the concert. Don't bother changing." I instructed looking at all the lads. I nervously chewed the inside of my lip. What if this doesn't work?

"Mate, this will work" Liam put his right hand on my shoulder, reading the expression on my face.

"Hey! What are you lads chatting about! Lou is waiting for you boys, go get your makeup done."

Paul shouted from a 10 meter distance. He was busy talking to one of the tour organizers until he saw us. I have a feeling he will be keeping an eye on me and the lads.

We all went into the room where Lou, our makeup artist was waiting. She pulled a whining Louis into the chair.

"Louis just cooperate! Please?" She tugged on Louis shirt, trying to get him to sit down. Zayn rushed over to help her to keep him still.

"Come on mate!"

"NO NO NO! YOU KNOW I HATE MAKEUP! MY FACE IS TOO PRETTY FOR MAKEUP!" Louis screamed loudly, I bet everyone in a 15 meter radius could hear him.

"Hun, everyone has their flaws." Lou hushed him.

"Everyone except for me" Zayn chuckled, earning an eye-roll from Lou.

All the Lads laughed at Zayn's remark, as I picked up a babbling Baby Lux who was sitting on the floor playing with toys. Lux was always a cutie.

"Hey Luxy-Wuxy, do you have any food I can eat?" My stomach growled right at that moment.

"Foo!" Lux pointed to a small container sitting in front of a mirror, with baby food inside it. I crinkled my nose playfully. "Not that kind of food"


I only laughed at her and handed her to Harry as Louis' makeup was done, because Lou waved me over to get mines done.

Louis screamed 'Praise the Lord' and ran towards the sofa. We all chuckled at him. That boy.


"You have been amazing London!" Liam screamed into the crowd of hundreds of fans, holding colourful signs like "Marry me" and stuff like that.

The "I am Mrs. Horan" ones make me laugh. We all ran off stage, luckily Paul wasn't in sight.

Harry took a quick look around just to make sure no one was watching. We all dropped our headsets.

"Alright, run!" Harry whispered loudly. For some odd reason no one was concerned as to why we were running.

"Why aren't they saying anything?" I panted loudly, running out of breath.

"Well we are usually act like this. Running around, having fun." Louis suggested.

"Mmhmm." I mumbled, opening the back door exit. Liam had called a cab before the concert had started, to come in three hours, right after the end of our show.

There was the cab, waiting. The driver started it up, as soon as he saw us. We hopped in, all out of breath.

"Alright. Where to boys?"

Without saying a word I grabbed the small scrunched up paper which I kept safely in my pocket that had the address scrawled down on it and handed it to the man.

* Liam's POV

"Would you please wait for us out here? We won't be long." I informed the driver.

"No more then 10 minutes."

"Thank you sir."

"Alright boys lets go" I patted Niall on the back. He was the first one to run to the main entry door. We all walked in, getting odd looks from people who recognized us. Unfortunately we didn't have time for disguises.

"C'mon, c'mon" Niall muttered, rapidly pressing the elevator button. Out of all of us, he was the most worried.

At last the elevator door opened, we all rushed in pressing the floor number where Claire's flat is.

"I hope she's there." Niall muttered quietly.

"She will be, mate. Calm down. Where can she go?" Zayn asked.

"I don't know."

"Guys, she will be there." Harry looked at us all.

The ride up was quick, and we walked towards her door down the hallway. An unrecognizable laughter of a man was booming loudly.

"Who's in there?" Louis asked whispering quietly.

"What if it's her dad? What if he is hurting her!?" Niall panicked.

I knocked on the door loudly, but no one answered. After trying several times, I could hear a man groan as he unlocked the door. He had the most annoyed look on his face.

"What do you want?! Can't you see I'm busy?"

"Where's Claire?!" Niall screamed about to attack the unfamiliar man, but we pulled him back.

"Who the hell is Claire?"

I tried to approach him politely. "There is a woman and her daughter who live here. Are they in your flat sir?"

"No they aren't! Bloody hell I just moved here two days ago! Now scram!" He shouted at us, a horrid stench of alcohol hit my face.

"Moved?" Niall questioned. He groaned "Claire moved!"

The man slammed the door in our face.

"Where did she go? What if they got kidnapped? Or worse!" Niall cried, as we walked towards the elevator.

"I don't know, Niall... But we will find her." I answered positive. We will.

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