Ch.1) Where It All Began

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Claire's p.o.v.

My father wasn't always like this. He wasn't always the monster how he is portrayed to be now. Once there was a time where he was actually a sober, loving man with an amazing job. But one day, he came home broken. Everything from that point on had escalated extremely quickly, my mum and me never saw it coming.

Flash back-

The front door of our beautiful home slammed very loudly. I was in my room, doing homework. Peeking from the stair-well, I noticed my dad was not in a good mood. He had tiny beads of sweat gathered up on his forehead.

My mother rushed to his side immediately. "Honey, what wrong?" She gently put her arm around my father's shoulder.

"Get your hands off me, woman!" He shouted shoving her away. My mum had a mixture of shock and sadness on her face. She slowly sat down on the sofa opposite to my father. She waited patiently for him to explain himself.

"I lost my job, Sandy!" He exclaimed panting. "Those arse's fired me! I was the best crew member they had!" He slammed my mum's finest vase on the ground.

I jumped at the unexpected sound, and slowly walked back to my room. My moms scream echoes through the house seconds later. I winced at the sudden beating sounds. I don't dare to go downstairs. My mom always told me not to interfere with an adults argument.

And so I waited, and waited. Minutes lasted my door slammed open, revealing my mom bruised and bloody. She was about to fall. I ran to her Side and helped her sit on my plush bed.

"Mum, what happened?" I asked. I was very scared now, me being only 6 years old.

"Daddy was angry." Was all that came out of her mouth.


From those days on, my fathers anger escalated. He soon began harming me too. He always goes out to bars to drink, and slept with random woman on my parents bed. Eventually my mum had to get a job to support our family. We lost our home, and we had to move into an apartment, a very ratty one.

My father sickens me. I will do anything to get away from him.

Why didn't my mum divorce him though?



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I update in both places! :))

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