Ch.10) First Day

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I would like to make a shout out to Zoha! :)

Enjoy the chapter!


Claire's POV

It's that time of week that everyone hates.


I dragged my feet to my washroom, stumbling in and almost failing in the shower. Quickly,I steadied myself. Glancing in the mirror, I saw a tired girl with messy blond hair.

Of course that was me. I washed up a bit, and stepped in to the shower, applying shampoo and body wash within 10 minutes.

***10 min later***

"Claire boo!"

I swiped the shower curtains aside.

"Claire boo!"

My wet feet left foot prints of my feet on the cold bathroom tiles, wet hair leaving drops on the tiles. The mirror was all fogged up. I giggled to myself, using my finger to write "I love Niall Horan and One Direction" .


Mum can be so annoying. "What?!" I shouted as loudly as possible, while securing my white towel under my arms.

Fortunately she had heard me "Come eat breakfast! You need to leave in 30 minutes"

Half an hour? I quickly grabbed an outfit from my closet and put it on. Then I blow dried my hair, and decided to leave it down.


"Do you want me to drop you off, boo?"


"Do you know where the school is?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, Mum. Thats the billionth time you've asked me."

She blushed in embarresment. "Sorry."

"Yeah yeah. I'll be on my way now." I gulped, wishing I hadn't said that. Honestly, I am in no mood for school.

"Alright, have fun!"

I stepped out my door, seeing a bunch on kids walking in One Direction (Pun intended) towards the school. Since they're going the same way as me, I'll just follow behind. The kids seemed pretty nice. They were all laughing or listening to music.

As I was looking around, minding my own business a girl ran up to me.

"Hey! I've never seen you around... Are you new?"

I shyly nodded at her. She smiled, putting out her hand "I'm Lilly! What's your name?"


Her big blue eyes widened "Thats a lovely name. Would you like me to show you around the school?" She asked, holding one of the school doors open for me.

"That would be nice, thanks."


At lunch, the school cafeteria was loud, and crowded. People were talking loudly, laughing, eating and throwing things around. I walked around slowly holding my tray firmly in my hands looking for Lilly.

I quickly ducked when a juice box was thrown in my direction. It made a loud whooshing sound as it went over my head. I bobbed my head up, looking around to see where that came from.

A cute boy with spiky brown hair looked embarrassed. He stared at me apologetically "sorry about that! I was aiming for one of my mates!"

I nodded, not bothering to respond because he wouldn't hear me anyways.

I felt someone lightly tug on the back of my shirt. Turning around, I saw a relived Lilly.

"There you are!! I was wondering where you went." Lilly led me to a table with an extra chair. A whole bunch of girls sat around, talking amongst themselves. I'm guessing they are her friends.

"Hey guys! This is Claire! She's new. Say hi."

They all waived at me, "Hi" except for one girl who just frowned at me.

"This is Toni, Kirsten, Ana, and Charlotte". Lilly pointed to each of them. So that girl's name is Ana...

I have a bad feeling she doesn't like me.


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