Ch.3) The Letter

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"Maybe you'll love yourself like I, Love you oh..."

Niall's angelic voice progected loudly through my headphones. I doodled on my paper, drawing random things.

I sat alone in my tiny room, my father in the living room. My mum was at work, and I did not dare walk out, for as I might be harmed, my father and his friends are here too. Loud laughter erupted throughout my house every few seconds.

I slammed my pencil down angrily on the table. Why can't they just shut up! The loud sound of the front door lock clicks, indicating my mum is home from work.

"Hey Sandy!" My fathers voice booms. "Grab us a couple of beers!".

That is no way to talk to my mom. Instantly, I pull out my headphones, and storm into the living room where my dad and his friends were playing poker.

"Don't talk to my mom like that!" The words seethed out of my mouth like venom.

"Excuse me?" He asked as if he were authority. "I can say whatever I want." He spat coming up to me.

"Why are you standing there? Go grab the beers!" He said slaping my mom. She immedeatly ran to the refrigerator to grab the beers. My dads friends sat there, laughing at the action as if it was a comedy movie they were watching.

"And you!" He pointed at me with his bony finger "You! Go get me all of your money! All of it!"

"B-but those are my college savings!" I stammered. I already have $500 saved up.

"I don't care." He said smirking. "Go get it!"

I looked at my mom for help, but she just looked away. Walking a slowly as possible to my room, I realized that it is time to take action. If I don't then who will? My mom will never. I grabbed the jar that was under my bed, filled with loads of money, and walked back to the living room where my mom was serving my dad and his filthy friends.

My father waved me over, and I hesitated before handing him the jar. He emptied it out into the middle of the table for his poker game, and smashed the jar on the floor.

"Clean that up!" He screamed at me. That is it.

"No." I answered, strong and positive. His face turned red, he got up facing me.

"What did you say?" He asked.

"I said no, you douche." I spat onto his face. His hand came in contact with my face, leaving a stinging painful sensation. My mom screamed bloody murder running to me to see if I was okay.

"I'm fine, mom." I pushed her away from me lightly. Even though that might have been rude, I need to stand up for myself.

I ran to the phone, and picked it up. "Don't you dare" my father said, his eyes wide.

I smirked challenging him.

*beep* the phone went when I pressed nine.

"No!" He shouted.

*beep* one.

He stepped closer to me and I made a dash to my room. His heavy footsteps gave away he was after me. In time, I slammed the door and finished dialling.

"Hello, what is you emergency?" A woman asked on the other line.

"Me and my mom are being abused."


The police sirens roared everywhere. As soon as my dads friends figured out I had called the police they grabbed their money and made a run for it.

I walked out to the living room, my mom was talking to an officer. They had my father hand cuffed.

"Don't worry ma'am, we have everything under control. You won't be bothered anymore." The officer nodded at me and my mom.

"Thank you." My mom said, putting her arm around me.

I walked up to my father, Steve. "From this day on, you are no longer my father, Steve." My eyes burned holes into him.

He laughed crazily as the officer pulled him away "Oh, don't worry, my dear. I'll be back... You remember I will be back!"

My mom locked the door and ran over to me crying. "This is all my fault! I'm so sorry you had to go through this Claire, I am so sorry." She sobbed.

"It's alright mom, it's over now."


Sandy ( Claire's mom) p.o.v.

"I think you should sleep, honey." I said wiping away the last tear. Claire nodded and walked to her room.

I can't believe my own daughter had to go through all of this. This is all of my fault, and I have to pay her back somehow.

Grabbing my laptop, I searched up One Direction's fan mail address. I searched my desk for lined paper and a pen, to begin writing a letter.

Dear One Direction,

Hello, my name is Sandy, I am the mother of my daughter, Claire. She is a Huge fan of you guys, and loves you so much. I know it is weird, that a mother is writing this but I need your help. My daughter is being abused by her own father. Yesterday, I witnessed my own daughter, harm herself. She is devastated, and your music helps sooth her. Please, we need help. It would mean so much for you to do this. We live in such a horrible condition.... And it is not right for her. My phone number is XXX XXX XXXX. Call me if you have read this. I need you to help us get her to stop harming herself... And you are the only people who can help her.


By the time I finished writing this, tears drops stained the paper. I folded it up, placing it in a white envelope, writing down the address to mail it to. I grabbed my coat, and walked out the door.


The post office from here is not very far. I walked quickly along the side walk, until I reached the post office.

"Ma'am, we are closing now." The man told me.

"Please!" I begged. "I just need to mail one thing!"

This letter must be mailed.

The man sighed.

"Alright. Be quick!" He said, following behind me. I chose a simple stamp, and paid the money.

"Have a good night." He said exhausted. "You too, sir." I replied with a smile.

I just hope this letter will be delivered safely... And hopefully, they will help my daughter.

My Savior -Niall Horan & One Direction- COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now