Chapter 1

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Here is the first chapter! :D Hope you guys like it.

Happy reading***

"Mum!" I squeal in excitement as I spot her amongst the crowd.

Pushing aside the trolley that's containing all of my luggages, I run up to her as fast as I can.

"Evelyn." She wraps her arms around me and pull me into a tight hug. A sigh of relieve escapes through her lips and I'm already engulfed in a warm sense of feeling that I haven't felt in a while.

"I missed you so much." I say and nuzzel into her.

Her embrace is very welcoming.

"I missed you too." she says in an almost sob. Her voice cracking a bit at the end.

"More than you could ever imagine." She kisses my forehead.

Letting go of me, she places both of her hands on either side of my shoulder and begins to scan me from up to down.

"Oh dear... you've changed a lot," she gushes. The smile on her face never leaving as she continues to stare at me with admiration.

I take this moment to see her reflection as well.

Her hair is no longer that honey golden color. It's now replaced into a lighter shade. Her face is flushed red and her crystal blue eyes are glistening with tears. She looks like she had lost a bit of weight. In a good way.

And if I'm not mistaken, I think she's got a little shorter. Or maybe it's just me, who got a bit taller.

In all honest I have to say that she has definitely changed a lot from the last time I saw her. Which was about five to six years ago.

Of course we did chat through video calls and all. But that doesn't really count for me.

"You even got more prettier." she whispers before gently caressing my cheek with her hand.

"Prettier?" I look away, blushing a bit to her a sudden comment.

I'm seventeen years old. I believe I'm old enough to know the difference between pretty and ugly.

And trust me I'm not the pretty one.

"What?" she looks at me in humour.

"Nothing." I shrug.

"Okay then now let me help you with that." she says, indicating to the luggages.

"No it's okay, I got this." I say before bending down to retrieve the backpack lying on the floor.

Slinging the heavy thing across my shoulder I go for the luggages. I grab one.

Mum with quick reflexes grabs onto the other two before I can.

"It's fine. I can manage-"

"No no I'll take these." She cuts me off. "I could do some heavy lifting as well you know." she smiles knowingly.

"After all I am a cop." she gives a tap to the shiny metallic badge on her uniform.

"You sure are." I laugh.

My mum has been a cop for fifteen years now and loves her job so much.

She works so hard and put so much effort into it. And I'm so proud of her for that.

"This way." She points.

I follow her to the exit. The minute we're out of the glass doors I inhale the fresh air.

Letting it all relieve in while I enjoy the crispy warmth of the sunlight.

"Stay here while I go and get the car." she says putting the luggages back on the floor and then quickly rushing towards the parking lot.

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