Chapter 9

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Mum's car is already parked in the driveway when I reach home. I park mine next to hers before turning the engine off and getting out.

"I'm home!" I announce my presence once I'm inside.

"Over here." I hear mum call out followed by another voice quietly murmuring right after.

I drop my backpack nearby the staircase and follow the voices into the living room to be met by not only my mum but also another person.

Sitting across from me on the big sofa in the middle of the room. Her back faced to me.

When I walk over to them I immediately freeze in my tracks when I see the women in front of me. I can't help but stare at her. She looks so worn out and fragile, as if she would break in any minutes. Her face is pale as ice and her blue eyes doesn't sparkle the way it used to. Instead their now clouded with dullness.

Mrs Kent looks terrible.

If it wasn't for me constantly staring at her, I wouldn't honestly recognize her.

Mum clears her throat, pulling me out my motionless state.

"Mrs. Kent, how you doing?" I ask.

She cringes and mum frowns.

I mentally slap myself for asking such a stupid question.

Of course she's not okay Eveyln!

"I mean how you holding up?" I quickly ask.

She sniffs and shakes her head slowly while giving me the what-do-you-think look. But not in a rude way.

"I'm sorry." I say, not really knowing what else to say.

"I just want my baby back." she sobs into her hands.

Mum puts her arm over her shoulder for comfort.

"She's all I have..." she cries. "I can't loose her." she says. The last part coming out as a plead.

"We will find her." Mum assures.

She nods although her mind is lost else where as she stares aimlessly at the ground.

"I'll get you another cup of tea." mum says, standing up.

"No it's okay." Mrs. Kent stops her, standing up as well.

"I should go now," she says while wiping off the tear stains on her face. "Micheal will be here soon."

"Okay." mum follows her to the door.

I feel bad for not telling her anything so I quickly go over to them and say.

"We will find Rebbeca."

She smiles weakly at my words. "I believe you." she says lastly and leave.

* * * * * *

After dinner I go to my room and do my homework. It's not due to tomorrow but I do it anyways. So that I won't be left hanging back.

Afterwards I change into my pjs and head to bed. Since it's only eight in the evening. I decide to surf the web for awhile.

See what I've missed lately.

I grab my laptop and turn it on. The welcome note pops up right after I type in my password.

I go through Twitter for awhile and then Facebook.

I'm reading a friend of mines status when the Skype appears with it's ringing tone.

I smile at the contact's name before answering it.

"Aunt Laura!"

"Hey Eveyln." she grins and wave at the camera.

From the background I can tell she's in her bedroom. Lying on her bed with a blanket wrapped around her small figure. Her elbow propped up and the heal of her hand placed under her chin.

"How you doing?" she asks after fixing her glasses.

"Good. How about you?"

"Same. But compare to you, I'm way too tired." she says. Her eyes squinting shut when a yawn escapes her lips.

"Work was a pain in the butt." she groans and I giggle of how she still never curses around me but uses different words close to it. One of her other words that I find funny has to be chocolate fudge.

"Never mind of that... school's going on well?"

"Yep." I nod.

"Any cute boys?" she asks and I raise my eyebrows, mocking shock with a hand held against my chest.

"What?" she acts innocent.

"Something tells me that's the main reason you've called." I accuse.

She raises her hands up in defeat.

"Alright you got me."

"I've made new friends if that's what you want to know."

"Oh good." she nods.

"Yeah they're-" I stop as loud clanking sound interrupts me.

"What's that?" I ask.

"Oh it's just Fred in the kitchen cooking dinner." Laura says.

"Fred's cooking?" I ask. The word 'cooking' and Fred together in the same sentence sounds so foreign on m y tongue.

"I know right?" she grins.

"What is he making?"

"I have no clue," she shrugs. "He said it's a surprise."

"Omg that reminds me, remember last Christmas when he tried to roast the chicken but ended up burning the whole thing?" I ask and she lets out a hysteria of throaty laughs.

"I would never forget that." she only had to say that when another loud clancking sound erupts followed by a glass shattering.

"Fred what was that?" Laura asks loudly turning her face to where the door is.

"Nothing." I hear Fred say in a far distance.

"Oh that was definitely something." Laura says, standing up from her sleeping position.

"Eveyln listen I have to go now. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay. But don't forget to send me a pic of his surprise dinner later on?"

"If only there was any dinner left." she jokes and I chuckle before hanging up.

I put the laptop away and pull the duvet over me.

Sleepiness slowly taking over me. But before I close my eyes I make sure that the baseball bat is set beside the bed and is at arms reach.

So if something happens tonight I'll be ready.

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This is just a filler chapter so it's short and crappy. But I promise the next one will be better :)))


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