Chapter 7

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"Well it's nice to meet you Liam." I say appreciatively while shaking his hand.

Little wrinkles appear around his eyes as he smiles widely, revealing me his perfect pearly white teeth.

Something tells me he's a nice person.

"Well I'm going to cafeteria now, do wanna come with me?" Liam asks. "I'm sure my friends would love to meet you." he adds.

Meeting new people makes me feel nervous, but if his friends are as polite as Liam is then I think I have nothing to worry about. And plus I think it's better than staying alone.

So after a minute of thinking I finally agree to his request.

"Okay," I nod. "But you have to give me a minute because I still have to find my locker." I say before looking at the paper I got earlier today from the head teacher.

"Let me see it." he leans down from behind me and look at the locker number.

"Ah!" he snaps his fingers after reading the number out aloud.

"I know where it is." he says. "It's not far from here," he says looking around the hall. "Come I'll show you."

With that I follow him and in less then five minutes we arrive to where my locker is. He waits till I put my stuffs in and then he takes me to the cafeteria.

It's already crowded in here, but since we came a little late, the line was short. So both Liam and I were able to take our food quickly.

With the tray in my hands I keep my pace with Liam's as he searches around for his friends.

"There they are." he points to a group of people sitting by a big round table in the middle of the cafeteria.

"Hey Liam!" one of the boys calls out when they see him.

"What took you so long?" another with blond hair asks.

"Made a new friend." Liam says in a excited tone.

By that being mentioned the other half of his friends attention immediately snaps up to him. Each of them stop what they're doing as they wait for Liam to continue.

"Everyone meet Evelyn Luxes." Liam introduces me. He then steps aside for them to see me.

It is only then did I realize that all long I was standing right behind Liam. More of hiding from everyone.

I shift uncomfortably when I feel so many eyes on me.

"Evelyn this is Lucas, Christian, Gabriella, and Emma." Liam says, pointing to each person in front of me.

Emma has long red hair that she has tucked neatly to one side. Her eyes a light shade grey color. She looks straight at me before lifting her hand up for a small wave. I wave back while mustering a friendly smile.

Lucas who's sitting next to her looks as much friendly as Liam is with that big welcoming smile on his face. He has black hair and green eyes. His muscular body visible to the plain white t-shirt he's wearing.

Christian on the other hand looks opposite to Lucas with him in a black t-shirt and his blond hair styled up in a quiff. It isn't that hard to guess that he's from Australia.

Gabriella has blond hair that perfectly matches her sparkly blue eyes and her skin is white as the snow.

"Hi." I quietly say. They do the same in return. Without showing any sign of negativity.

"Over here." Emma calls, shifting in her seat so that I could sit next to her, Gabriella on my right.

"So Evelyn what brought you here to Forestville?" Gabriella asks, turning her face to my way so that she could properly see me.

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