Chapter 8

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The rest of the night I didn't dare to fall asleep. Not for a minute had I closed my eyes. Till the sunrise I sat in my room with a baseball bat in one hand and a pepper spray in the other.

Just in case if he'd come back again, which he didn't.

It is obvious that it's the same person who got Rebbeca. But there's just one thing I don't understand.

Which is why?

Why didn't he take me?

Or do anything to harm me?

He had a clear shot... No one was at home by that time.

I was all alone, completely unarmed in anyway and yet he didn't do anything but trash my room.

My mind is terrified of not knowing what his intentions are. For I know it could be anything.

My head is hurting ever since I decided not to tell anything about this incident to mum.

This could be the biggest mistake I've done in my life and I might be in deep trouble for it. But there's no way I'm telling this to her because I know in return I would definitely get a ticket back to Australia. No argue about that.

I have to deal this problem on my own.

* * * * * * *

"Earth to Evelyn." A voice startles me. I quickly sit up in my seat and look who it is.

"Oh hey Liam." I say as he stops waving his hand in front of my face to gain my attention.

"I'm sorry did you say something?" I ask as I notice him waiting for me to continue.

Instead of responding me he just chuckles before shaking his head.

"What's so funny?" I ask, frowning.

"No it's just," he pauses. "I've literally called your name five times." he says, rubbing the bottom of his chin with his forefinger.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about some stuffs."

"Hmmm." he trails off. "Anyway I was just asking you why so early? the class doesn't start till another half an hour or so." he says.

"I just didn't want to get late." I say to which he nods. He sits next to me in the middle row of the class and then pull his backpack to the front and leave it on his desk.

"What about you?" I ask and he lets out a small smile before speaking.

"I like to come early." he says.


"Yeah... glad to know I have some company now." he says and I smile back with an equal smile.

The last five minutes all the students come rushing in as they all take a seat in their usual place. I'm glad to find out that I didn't sit on someone else's chair.

The room is filled with about twenty students when our Science teacher arrives. And the class starts as he begins with some easy questions.

* * * * * *

The rest of the day passes by swiftly and before I know it the bell rings, signalling the seventh period is over.

Next I have sports. So I quickly grab my stuffs and step out of the class. After putting them in my locker I head to the sports locker room.

Some girls are already occupying in, changing into their sports clothes.

My head snaps forward as I hear a familiar voice speaking. I look around before spotting a red haired girl, Emma.

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