Chapter 3

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My eyes slowly peek open to the sunlight beaming through the curtains. I roll over to the other side of the bed and check the time.

9:48 a.m. 

Great I've overslept.

Sighing I stay in bed for few more minutes before I climbing out and heading straight to the bathroom.

I turn on the faucet and splash a handful of water on my face then I grab my toothbrush and begin brushing my teeth.

I get dressed into a pair of skinny jeans and a lacy top.

I don't bother to put any makeup on. Just some lip gloss and mascara.

I'm dressed in complete black. The only color apart from it that's emitting from me is the purple colored tips of my platinum blonde hair. I guess I look good but from the inside I feel like hell.

Mum just drained out the last ounce of hope I had of living here with her. She just literally told it right into my face and that got me feel so miserable.

Why is it such a big deal for her I'll never know...

* * * * * * 

 When I reach the kitchen I see like yesterday the breakfast is ready and set on the table.Only thing that is missing this time is mum. Probably she has already gone to work.

I take a seat and fill a cup of orange juice. Right when I raise the glass up to drink I spot something white laying near the tray of muffins.

It's a note.

After taking a sip of my juice I lean forward and take the paper.It's from mum.Evelyn,I'm so sorry for what happened yesterday. It was wrong of me to jump on you like that when you did nothing wrong but tell me how you truly feel about the whole the separation thing.

I guess I was so caught up with the word 'Safety' that I didn't really care of anything else but that.You should know that I'm doing this for your own good...But seeing you yesterday that way has made me change my mind-

Okay where is going with this?

I quickly skip to the end and immediately squeal excitedly as I read last few words.

I let you stay.

"Yes!" I jump out of my chair and do a little victory dance around the table."I'm staying I'm staying!" I sing.


I snatch my phone and dial her number. After three rings mum picks up."Hey Eve-"

"Mum! Mum!" I cut her off with a loud squeal. "I saw it! I saw the note-"

"Woah woah hold up." she stops me."Why are you screaming? is everything alright?" she asks worriedly.

I stop hopping and take a deep breathe before talking again. "Yes I'm fine, sorry about that." I shrug. "It's just I read the note."

"I see..."

"So is it true then? Are you letting me stay?"

I hear her let out a deep sigh. "Yes." 

"Ah mum I love you so much!" I scream.

"I love you too."

"Sheriff Thompson." I hear another voice speak at the background.

"Okay I'll be there... Look hon I got to go now, I'm really busy at the moment. Can we talk about this later?"

"Yeah sure."

"Okay bye then." she hangs up.

I take a muffin and go outside to the porch. Right as I sit on the stairs a car pulls up at Rebbeca's place. And out comes Rebbeca along with who I assume are her parents.

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