Chapter 22

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Charlotte POV

We laughed and chatted together as we went walking the halls of the arena. "Man, it's just been great to get to do this with you" Sonya said smiling ear to ear with her flirtatious gaze concentrated on my eyes. "It really is. I don't know why we didn't start talking to each other sooner" I said. "I couldn't home-wreck something you and Seth were trying to build plus the same goes for when you were with Becky" She remarked and made me think of my recent relationships. Oh my little attempt with Seth wasn't the way I hoped things would go. I'm glad I'm still friends with him, we've always been good to one another since FCW. I couldn't imagine being around him feeling mad. He's usually a mellow guy who gets along with just about everyone and is just dedicated to this business just like everyone else. He's always there if I ever needed help from him whether it had to do with work or personal matters, he was always there.

On the other hand is that fiery woman who I had once longed for but with the restraint of her devoted relationship to another. Becky was once upon a time my one and only until I screwed up and thought she had been cheating on me with the woman she is now back with. Funny, I never imagined she would've developed feelings for Alexa after our breakup. But it is what it is I guess. She's off with Alexa again and I'm discovering feelings for another person. It still disappoints me how Becky just decided to try and get back with Alexa even though we were working on repairing our relationship. Oh well, you live and you learn.

Sonya and I turned to a corridor and found our way to her locker room door. "Well here's my spot for the night you wanna come in? I've got about two hours before I have to start getting ready" Sonya stated. "Well I got nothing else to do so why not" I replied with a wink. She returned a smile back to me and gently grabs my hand then leads me into her locker room.

Becky POV

We sipped on our juice we had ordered as we sat on the roof of the cafe that overlooked the the west coast beach that was a few miles away from us. Our food had been delivered and we ate. The food was good. We each had a brunch-style meal to enjoy. It has been a bit awkward since we left. I just wanted to vent to her about last night. And just get it all out. We hadn't spoken much during the car ride to the cafe and even when we ate we hardly spoke. We caught small glances at one another from time to time. Both of us waiting for one another to let out the first word. "Okay please just, I know you want to get it all off your chest so just please get it out. You shouldn't let those words eat you away inside" Alexa said discreetly trying not to draw attention to our table.

I took a deep breath in and breathed out then leaned forward a bit towards her and crouched my head to avoid as much attention to our table as possible. "I understand your fear for me was getting the best of you last night, but what I want to do with work is how I'm gonna turn whatever story I'm in to a thousand and if that means putting myself at risk then so be it. My number one goal always when I go to work is to figure out how I'm gonna entertain the people. I'm not going to be trying to kill myself in the ring, having all out hardcore matches every night in order to leave them entertained. Last night was one of the nights to go to an extreme however cuz of what story I wanted to tell with Charlotte. I couldn't just do that same type of match over and over again cuz I would be shortening my career even further if I did so and I realized that a long time ago. I know you care about my well being but don't tell me what I can and can't do. Whatever you do in the ring I'll support one hundred percent, so I wish you could do the same for me and I hope you will going forward otherwise I don't see us continuing our relationship" I let out in a discreet manner. I awaited her response as she reached for my hands and grabbed them, holding on to them gently."I promise" She answered softly as she brushed her thumbs slowly on tops of my hands.

"I was stupid to walk out on you like that. I wish I could go back and change it but here we are now" She remarked. "Yeah you left me to become a drunken mess last night" I stated and her eyes widened. "I'm so sorry, I didn't think about how you'd react" She replied with sincerity and a look of sorrow on her face. I acknowledged what she said and the look of her face then asking "Did you come back to the hotel room at all? Why didn't you try to get a hold of me?" "I did go back to the hotel room, but once I noticed your bags were gone there was no way I could've found out where you were and I didn't try to text or call you because I thought you were asleep, so I just went to bed and planned on talking to you in person as soon as I could. I got to the arena early to try and see if you would happen to be there but you weren't obviously. I was given a room stay in at the arena for the day so I waited an hour till I was going to try again to look for you and once I got up the door had opened and there you were" She explained. She never broke eye contact nor did she stutter as she was telling the truth.

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