Chapter 18

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A few weeks later

Charlotte POV

Our buildup to the last woman standing match has gone very well. Now all hell will break loose tonight when we meet in the ring. Yep, it's Summerslam time. I stood in the parking lot of the arena waiting on Seth. "Hey Char" I heard Seth say as he walked towards me. "Hey Seth. I've missed you" I said and gave him a kiss. "I missed you too" He replied. We held each other's hands as we walked into the arena. My match with Becky is a bit later in the card, but we weren't in the main event. However, I want it to be main event worthy.

We made it into backstage, walking past some workers. We were directed by one of them to our locker room. We arrived to the room and entered. "Okay so now two hours till we have to get ready" He said. "It's the life" I said with a smile. "Yep, but I'm gonna grab something at catering. You tagging along?" He asked. "Actually I'm gonna try and find any of the girls and see what they're up to" I replied. "Okay. I'll see you soon then" He said then gave me a kiss. Seth then exited our locker room. I later left the locker room after checking my phone. I roamed around the backstage area for a bit looking around for any of my friends.

Luckily I found a very familiar set of purple hair. I walked up to her and gave her a hug from behind. "Hey Sash" I said happily. Sasha turned around to face me with a big smile on her face. "It's been a long minute since I've seen you girl" She said before giving me a hug. "I see things are going good on Raw" I said. "Of course. I had a great title run and plenty of good matches with all the girls there" She replied. "But dang it's getting interesting on Smackdown I hear" She followed up. "Yeah, the big match is tonight and I'm feeling some mixed emotions about it but I'm ready for it" I replied. "I hope you both come out safe. It's gonna be an intense one tonight" She said. I nodded in agreement.

"Hey hey what am I missing here?" I hear Bayley say as she walked up to the both of us. She gave us both hugs. "You nervous about making history tonight?" Bayley asked. "A little bit, but it isn't getting to me" I answered. "Man we haven't actually hung out, just the Four Horsewomen together in a while" Bayley said. "Yeah it's been quite a minute. We gotta do something soon" I replied. "Speaking of the topic, where in the heck is Becky? Have you seen her?" Sasha asked looked around shoulder to shoulder. "No I haven't but she should be around" I said. "Indeed I am" Becky said from behind me. "Hey Bex!" Sasha and Bayley said. Becky gave us hugs and it felt good that the four of us were together again after a long time. We've been so separated due to being on separate brands and all.

"You ready for tonight?" Bayley asked Becky. "Oh you know I'm ready" Becky answered her confidently. "Where's Alexa?" Bayley asked. "She went to catering real quick, and that's where I should be headed. Anyone coming?" Becky said. "Yeah sure" I said but Sasha put a hand on my shoulder and said "You and Bayley go on ahead. We'll catch up with you" I looked at her confused by this. What would she want to talk about? "Okay we'll see you soon" Bayley said and walked off with Becky.

"What's up?" I asked Sasha. "You're still holding on aren't you?" Sasha asked. "What are you talking about?" I said. "Oh come on, I know the energy you have when you're around her" She replied. I couldn't find words. "Are you happy with your relationship with Seth? If so, do you still miss being with Becky?" She pressed her questions. "Well, being with him is great and all but I don't know, lately it feels like we're just friends" I admitted. "Okay and what about her?" She asked. "I don't know. I mean part of me wants her back but a part of me says that she's happy with someone else and that I should move on" I said looking down at the floor. She grabbed my hands and pulled my attention to look at her. "Time will tell, and you do what you think will be right in your love life" She simply said and pulled me to walk with her towards catering.

Becky POV

I sat with Alexa and Bayley at catering, just having a good time spent with my girlfriend and my friend who I hardly get to see. "Bayley, have you tried Vietnamese coffee before?" Alexa asked as we sat down. "No I haven't" She said. "Let me tell you, It'll change your life" She replied. "Well if it's that good then I should give it a try" Bayley said smiling at her. "Oh you won't regret it, believe me" Alexa stated. "So I see you two have been holding up good with each other these past few months. Honestly I didn't expect this to happen" Bayley said. "Yeah, I mean had we not gone to that club that night we probably wouldn't be sitting here as a couple right now" I said giving Alexa a smile as I held her hand. Charlotte and Sasha joined us soon after and we had our food.

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