Chapter 4

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Charlotte POV

"''Twas a pleasant ceremony wasnt it Charlotte?" Becky asked me with her raspy voice in a quiet tone as we walked through a somewhat packed hallway towards the exit of the building. "But of course Becky, but it would've been a thousand times better if I had been able to sit next to you for the event" I say pouting a little. "Oh, don't get so worked up about it, now I'm all yours tonight, and we can catch up" she said lightening the mood for me, as a smile formed across my face. She smiled back at my reaction. My dad caught up with us and I felt his hand on my back. "Well hallelujah, Wrestlemania is tomorrow and I can't wait to see my daughter pick up another victory, make history, and bring home the gold" he said enthusiastically. "Well I'm as ready as you are dad. But it won't be just me making history, cuz with we're with one of the other women to be making history" I said pointing out Becky. "Well of course honey, and Becky you are such a tremendous worker in this industry, and I can't think of anyone better than you or Sasha to be revolutionize the game for women's professional wrestling, especially on the grandest stage of them all!" he said. "Well thank you very much Ric, it really means a lot. This journey has been nothing but a blessing and I'm ready to keep moving forward" she said acknowledging my dad's compliment.

We made it out of the venue and were waiting for our drivers to pick us up. Sasha and Bayley eventually caught up with us. They hugged my dad and he got picked up by his driver early on, so we bid him farewell. "You ready for our match tomorrow?" Sasha asked grabbing me and Becky's shoulders quickly. "Well of course Sasha! I wouldn't want to miss kicking your butt in front of over one hundred thousand people" Becky said playfully. Sasha rolled her eyes jokingly. I giggled at Becky's banter and said "The one to be kicking both of your butts if gonna be me and I'm gonna do it like a Flair would" we laughed briefly after Sasha scoffed at my comment. "Oh this one's ours" Bayley said pointing at the car approaching the curb. "See you tomorrow" Becky said as we hugged Bayley and Sasha.

They left in their car and I was left with Becky. There was still plenty of people waiting around but we were more focused on each other. We were talking for another 5 minutes just lost in each other's words, so focused on one another. Though we did our best to not make it obvious to anybody around us that we had something going on between us. My driver pulled up to the curb after another few minutes of standing around waiting. I went to my car and opened the door and heard her thick Irish accent as she said "I'll see you soon" "Don't make me wait too long" I said in reply. I then got in and closed the door and was driven back to the hotel.

Becky POV

I was still waiting for my driver till I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Finn standing there looking apologetic as ever. "Becky I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for earlier. I shouldn't have brought it up and I thought about it. You're right, we can't repair what has happened over our time together. Just know that I still care for you as my friend, and I hope we can't tarnish that friendship. Yes I was the one who was ready to break up first, and you were as understanding as can be. I must accept my decision" he let out. "Finn, I don't want us to lose our friendship, and I'm glad that you're understanding that I cannot have a bigger relationship with you, because it would've just brought us back right where we were from then" I said as I looked up at him. "Ok. I will work on this acceptance, I promise" he declared. "That's good Finn, I want you to be as happy as ever, and you'll be way better once you've moved on and met someone new" I followed up.

He gave me a hug as I returned one. After we let go of one another he asked "Is this one yours?" He pointed at a car approaching the curb. "Yes it is finally" I said smiling. He opened the door for me and I said "Thanks. You have a good night Finn. I'll see you later" "You too Bex" I got in the car and he closed the door for me and I was taken to the hotel. As the driver pulled away from the curb, I just thought to myself, he has to be able to move on. Anxious as ever I sat there thinking about spending time with Charlotte. After a ten minute drive to the hotel I was dropped off at the front of the hotel. I thanked the driver and got out, heading to the lobby.

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