Chapter 12

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Charlotte POV

I made it to the hotel room and texted Becky, letting her know I made it. I put my phone in my pocket and set out some things from my bags like a few clothes to be set out and things to be put in the bathroom. After I had set everything out for the night and morning, I decided to scroll through my phone for the first actual time today as I waited for Becky to get here.

I opened up Instagram and saw I was tagged in a bunch of photos. I thought to myself, that's odd, all of those photos I'm tagged in are the same. I ended up tapping on one of them and opening it revealed something I had feared for a long time. A picture of Becky holding hands with Alexa?! I saw the picture and I saw the comments of most people saying or questioning whether Becky and I broke up or if Becky's cheating. I can't believe this. My girlfriend being this attached to Alexa, that she's going to hold hands with that bitch?! How could Becky do this to me. My thought kept racing and they keep telling me that Becky's cheating on me and I'm starting to believe it.

I began to cry and I could feel the tears form and begin to roll down my cheeks. The one I love is cheating on me. The one I love doesn't love me anymore. Or did she ever love me at all? I heard the door start to open and there she stood at the doorway, my betrayer. She looked confused and concerned as she saw my tearful face but I'm not gonna buy into it. "How could you..." I said as I was trying to contain myself from bursting into sobs. "Charlotte I don't understand what you're talking about" She said confused as she set her bags aside. She tried to walk towards me but I stepped back. "Char-" "Don't 'Char' me Becky. Do you honestly think I'm stupid? I know your little game you're playing with me" I said after I cut her off. "What game? I don't know what you're talking about" She said as she furrowed her eyebrows.

I pulled up the picture of her and Alexa on my phone and showed it to her. Her eyes widened as she took a look at the image. "Charlotte there's nothing going on between me and Alexa. She and I are just friends" She said as she looked up at me. "No, I can see it in your face in that picture how much you want her, how much you are enjoying your time with her, holding her hand. What's the next picture gonna be, you two kissing in public!?" I said as I was fighting the tears that kept forming in my eyes. "Charlotte you're my girlfriend, I would never cheat on you. You know how I am with friends that close like Paige, Bayley and Sasha, I hold their hands. It's not like I'm making out with them" She tried reasoning with me but I'm still not gonna be convinced. She slowly started to walk towards me as I stood still. She came up to me and tried to plant her hand on my cheek but I shoved it away.

She looked hurt by my action but I was done with her little game. "I always knew there was something off about Alexa. Now she's taken you away from me" I said. "Char-" "NO!" I pushed past her and opened the hotel room door. "Please don't" She said and I stopped to look at her. "We're done" I said hen a walked out of the room slamming the door shut behind me. As I walked down the hallway the tears kept coming and running down my face. I quickly walked to the elevator and entered, pressing the button to the first floor. Before the door closed, I looked down the hallway but Becky was nowhere to be seen. That just made me thought that she doesn't even care. I'm not even surprised anymore at this point.

I needed to clear my head and stop myself from crying. As the elevator descended, I contained myself and took in a few breaths. Fortunately I stopped myself from crying before the elevator door opened. I wiped away whatever was left of my tears and stepped out. I proceeded through the hallway with the thought rushing through my head. How could she do this? I thought she loved me. I loved her. I felt defeated. The one I truly cared about, the one I had feelings for for so long doesn't feel the same for me as much as I did for her. I frowned at the thought of that. I kept looking down at the floor as I walked and I turned a corner. I wasn't really paying much attention to where I was going, but eventually I ended up bumping into Seth.

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