Chapter 20

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Charlotte POV

We laughed as we walked about in the park. "...and after that, we just went back and had some donuts and called it a night" Sonya said with a chuckle and I laughed from her story. "Well this was fun catching up" I said. "Of course. Well we can get to talk more once both brands travel together" She said and I immediately took notice of what she said. "Who said this was happening and when?" I asked. "Earlier tonight I heard one of the backstage producers say that both brands were gonna start traveling together later this year" She replied. Damn, and I just got out of a relationship with Seth. "Are you okay Charlotte?" Sonya asked. "I'm okay, I just didn't expect that to happen to the roster. Is the brand split ending?" I asked. "Technically no. Both brands still have their own respective stars, it's just everyone will travel together from Fridays through Mondays. Since Raw stars don't work on Smackdown, they get to go home on Tuesdays. So since we are all traveling together, we get to do house shows together which should be fun and interesting" She explained.

"I wonder how that idea was sparked" I said. "I don't know but it should be exciting" Sonya said. All of a sudden her phone goes off with a text notification and she checked it. "Oh shoot, Mandy needs me for something. Well I should get going then but before I do, might I ask to have your number? We should do this again sometime and get to know each other a little more" She said. "Of course and I look forward to doing this again" I replied with a smile. We exchanged our phone numbers with each other and went our separate ways afterwards.

I walked myself back to the hotel and entered the building at the front and into the lobby. I walked back to the bar to see if Sasha and Bayley were still there. I entered the area where the bar was and saw that Sasha and Bayley were there sitting with Becky. They didn't look very cheery, at least Becky didn't. I walked up to them and took a seat on a barstool next to Becky. She looked down at the bar counter as Sasha and Bayley looked up at me. I lipped to them "What happened?" Then Sasha lipped to me "Alexa" Once I read Sasha's lips, I immediately knew what she meant.

I looked down at Becky and placed a hand on her back. "I'm sorry this is happening" I said as I slowly rubbed her back. She didn't respond as she kept frowning down at the bar counter. "If you girls don't mind, can Becky and I talk alone for a bit?" I asked politely and both Sasha and Bayley obliged and got up walking over to to sit at a couch nearby.

"Bex, can you please speak to me?" I asked. She slowly looked at me with her bloodshot eyes. "I understand what you feel but please speak to me" I begged. "She didn't want to deal with it" Becky said. "What do you mean?" I ask. "She doesn't want to worry about me every time I put myself through hell like we did earlier. She didn't want to hold on like that. She was fearing for me" Becky said. "I'm sorry" I said. She sighed. "It's not your fault" She said.

"When you were unconscious, she came into the room and told me that you shouldn't do those types of matches anymore" I said remembering what happened earlier in the night. "I'm not surprised at this point" Becky said. I now fully understand that Alexa isn't willing to stick by Becky and let her do her thing and that is very upsetting considering it being Alexa. Becky deserves better than that. "Come here" I said and pulled her into a hug. She gripped me tight as we sat there silent in our embrace for a bit.

She pulled away after a few more minutes in our hug. "I needed that. Thank you" She said and gave me a small but weak smile. "Of course. Are you gonna be okay?" I asked. "I don't know" She replied. We sat there silent for a bit until she asked me, "Where's Seth? Is he back at your room?" "No, we actually broke up before we got to the hotel. Things just weren't working out like we wanted" I said and Becky nodded in acknowledgment. We were both left in silence for a few moments. "Want to spend the night at my room? As my friend of course" I said trying not to get awkward. "Sure" She answered after thinking about it for a few seconds. I felt a mental sigh of relief, thankful that she didn't feel weirded out by my question.

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