Chapter 14

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Charlotte POV

She had turned on me in front of the fans. She actually did it. I rolled out of the ring as I felt the pain in my side and my back from the chair. I saw Alexa raise her title above her head and she headed back to gorilla. I slowly got up and headed up the ramp. The fans clapped for me, chanting my name and I saluted them back, but briefly. I got back to gorilla and I looked at Shane. "When did you make that decision?!" I asked him demanding an answer. "That turn was Becky's idea. She brought it up to me right after the opening segment" Shane said and my eyes widened. "She did? Dammit" I said. "Is there something wrong?" Shane asked taking off his headset. "Please excuse me Shane" I said as I left gorilla. I walked quickly to my locker room and got my things for a shower. I took a shower as quick as I could, dried up and hurriedly got my clothes on. I have to find her and she's gonna give me an explanation. I found a backstage hand and asked him where Becky's locker room was and he pointed me down the hallway, giving me the room number. I thanked him and swiftly made my way down the hallway.

I got to her door and knocked. Soon enough she opened the door and saw me. She stared at me for a moment with a blank expression but went to close the door but I stopped it with my foot. "We need to talk and we need to talk now" I demanded as I entered the room. "What is there to talk about between us" She said coldly shutting the door. "How about you avoiding me these few days. Me trying to get a hold of you but you wouldn't care to answer my calls or texts and then that heel turn?! Cmon Becky, why?" I said. "Because of you, that's why" She looked away from me. "I understand how I broke things off between us was wrong. I should've given you proper time to explain yourself" I replied but she wouldn't look back at me. I touched her arm but she shooed me off. "Becky don't be like this" I said as I began to frown. "Shouldn't you be tending to someone else right now" She said looking up at me. I was taken aback by what she said. "What are you talking about?" I said confused. "Oh don't play stupid with me Charlotte. I know there's a thing going on between you and Seth" She said. "There is nothing going on between me and Seth" I replied. "Is that so? Then how come did I see you and him kissing in the hallway after you left me alone in that room?!" She said looking at me in pain and anger. "Becky-" "Don't try and reason with me about that" She said cutting me off. "Look, that was nothing okay. It was a mistake I made on my part. There, I said it. A mistake I made" I said trying everything to salvage us. "A mistake. Just like the mistake you made when you quickly assumed I was cheating on you with Alexa" She said firing her words at me. I looked down ashamed. She walked to the door but I quickly got to the door in time to block her from exiting. "Charlotte move" She said coldly. "Becky please just give me a second chance. I love you too much to let this go. I know I fucked up okay. I wish I could go back to that night and let you explain yourself, I really do" I said as tears started to escape from my eyes. "I am too heartbroken to even remotely try and fix what we were" She said as she started to fight some tears herself. "Please" I ask. "I can't" She said, then I had one idea left. I pulled her into a kiss for a moment but she pulled away and pushed me off of her. Now I started to actually cry. She got her bags and got to the door. "Let me go Charlotte. I can't do this. I just can't" She said trying not to cry. I moved allowing for her to exit. I pressed myself  against the door once it was closed, slowly sliding my back down till I sat with my knees against my chest and me bawling my eyes out. It's over. Becky and I are officially over. The one I've longed for is not my lover anymore.

Becky POV

I walked the hallways as I let the tears stream down my cheeks. I need distance. Distance from her. This heartache is just pulling me further and further. I walked towards Alexa's locker room. I couldn't talk to anyone else but her. I knocked and she opened. Noticing the tears running down my face she immediately let me in and closed the door. She pulled me right into a hug. "I loved her. I really did" I said as I cried on her shoulder. "I know" She said as she rubbed my back and holding me tight. My world has become fucked up over these past few days. To top it off, I had to officially break off the relationship that I had found so much happiness in.

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