Chapter 23

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The next morning

Becky POV

I woke up with a bit of the need to catch my breath as I had been knocked awake from my dream. I scanned the dark hotel room as a nice soft, cool summer breeze blew in through the crack of the screen door flailing one curtain slightly as I saw palm trees just next to the balcony rocking together with their palms brushing along one another in unison as the wind continued to blow. I could faintly smell the delightful ocean air coming in.

I looked over to the nightstand and noticed the alarm clock read 4:21 AM. I looked beside me on the bed and there lied Alexa who was facing me still sound asleep. I lied there watching her sleep with every breath she took just admiring her beauty.

I lightly stroked her hair making sure to be as gentle as possible to not wake her up. She is always adorable to watch. I remembered that the alarm is supposed to go off at 5:00 AM so I decide to close my eyes for a bit longer to enjoy as much sleep as I can get with her till we have to be up.

Thirty nine minutes later

I woke up hearing the beeping of the alarm clock causing me to turn and hit the snooze button on it. Immediately I heard her groan as she pulled the covers over her face, understandably wanting more time to sleep. I gently rubbed her side and softly said "It's time to get up hun" "Ugh can I just have a couple more minutes?" She said muffled under the covers.

"Alright, I'm gonna make some coffee then. Want some?" I asked as I got up. "Please" She responded still muffled under the covers. I walked over to the small kitchen area of the hotel room and put a coffee pod into the machine and started it up once I put a small mug under the dispenser, then added creamer once the mug was filled. I did so with another mug after the first was finished brewing and looked over seeing Alexa walking over to me letting out a big yawn.

She stopped right next to me and gave me a warm hug from the side and I wrapped my arm around her. "You all awake yet?" I asked her. "Once I got this coffee in me I will be" She answered then let go of me and grabbed one of the mugs filled with its caffeinated beverage. She took a sip and had a small delighted small form on her weak, tired face.

She took a seat on the couch and I soon joined her with my mug of coffee. We sipped away taking in our caffeine for the morning trying to wake up and be ready for the day. "You ready for cardio this morning?" I asked as she took a sip of her coffee. "I'll need a bit, but yep" She answered after taking a gulp. "You ready for TV tonight?" She asked. "Yep! I wonder what they've got for us tonight" I responded mentioning the writers. I briefly thought about what I could be doing tonight on Smackdown and noticed part of my bandage wrappings peaking out from under my tank top. I felt my side and immediately noticed the soreness from the bruising and I winced a little bit.

"Easy there. You went through a lot oSunday night. I don't think they'll be making you wrestle tonight" Alexa said. "Hopefully" I said sipping the rest of my coffee. I finished up the rest that was in my mug and set it on the coffee table. I felt my bruises again and groaned at the pain. "Easy now" She said setting her mug on the coffee table and scooting closer to me. She checked on my wrappings that she did herself after I had showered last night. "Clearly these ones don't hold up. You should go to the trainer first thing when we get to the arena" She suggested and I nodded in agreement. I rested my head on her shoulder and she played my hair. We sat there together for five minutes and then she says "Alright lets get ready. Gotta get to work" I followed her as she got up and went to get ready for our run.

Charlotte POV

I woke up my to my alarm beeping away until I smacked the snooze button. I sat up in bed and checked my phone looking through Instagram. Soon a notification popped up on my screen and it was a text message from Sonya.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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