Chapter 10

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A couple weeks later

Charlotte POV

Tonight's the party at Alexa's and we were driving there. I was driving with one hand on the wheel and the other in Becky's hand. Alexa said for us to just dress casual. Becky had on a zip-up New Japan jacket with some jeans. I had on a normal black leather jacket with some blue jeans. "I'm excited" Becky said jumping in her seat like a little kid. I laughed taking a brief glance at her before looking back to focus on the road. "Well I'm glad you are" I said. "I hope you are" She said shifting her gaze to me. "Yes it should be fun" I say acknowledging her. "Are things gonna be cool between you and Alexa? I  know you've seemed quite jealous around her recently" She said. "Yeah, well.. I don't know Bex. I just feel weird about her. Not saying she's a bitch or anything it just... I don't know" I said trying to find an alternative to just saying that I don't want her around my girlfriend because I don't want her to try and pull something with her. "There won't be any problems will there Char?" She asked. I looked at her briefly and said "No. There won't be any problems between me and Alexa" "Good" She said briefly and got on her phone.

We pulled up to her house and it looks like everyone else is here, judging by the amount of cars parked. We got out and walked up to her front door and knocked. The door opened revealing Alexa. "Hey guys! You made it!" She said hugging Becky and I. "Come on in" She said leading us inside her house and we were immediately greeted by everyone in the living room. Big E hugged both of us tightly and jumped up and down with us which caused me to laugh uncontrollably. "Alright So now everyone is here we can finally get started" Xavier announced.

"So Xavier what're we doing in this episode?" Becky asked. "Well actually this'll be a livestream, and we're doing a WWE 2k tournament. Everyone has to go by random when they pick their wrestler" He replied. "This'll be fun, even though I won't do that good" I said. "I think you'll do good" Becky said. I smiled. Most of us sat down on Alexa's big couch and some sat in separate chairs. Becky made some room for people by sitting on my lap on the couch.

It was currently AJ vs Sami. "Holy cow AJ, stop reversing!" Sami exclaimed. "You're just too easy to reverse man" AJ said with a chuckle. After a five minute match with Sami, AJ made him tap in the game. "Well crap. Dude how are you that good?" Sami asked. "You just get good man" AJ replied. During matches we would acknowledge the people who were leaving down comments on the livestream. We answered plenty of questions for the fans. We were having a great time. I was having a very fun time. Whenever two would play, everyone else would be chanting. I got eliminated in the first round and Becky got eliminated in the second. The third and final round became a six person match with the six remaining people in the tournament.

"Okay guys so it's me, AJ, Alexa, Mike, Seth, and Bayley remaining. We're gonna spice it up with the final round being a six person match" Xavier said. "Okay, it's my time people. You will not come out on top. It'll be me" Mike stated. "Okay everybody gang up on Mike once the bell rings" Seth said causing us to laugh. "What? No! Not happening!" Mike said in disbelief. They started the match and did exactly what Seth said, but briefly. Mike just shook his head for a few seconds while smiling.

They had a good match that actually carried on for about twenty minutes. AJ ended up winning the match. "Boom! That just proves that I am the phenomenal one. Not just as a wrestler but also as a gamer!" AJ said with pride. "Well good game everybody, and thank you audience for spending time watching us virtually beat the crap outta each other. We hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did" Xavier said before ending the livestream.

Becky POV

"Okay so now that's out of the way we've got a party to start" Alexa announced. "Time to get my drink on" Dean said and Renee nudged him in response. "Don't drink too much there bud" Roman said chuckling. "I know I know" Dean replied. We had pizza delivered and it had arrived. We all had a slice and sat around for a bit talking. I was ready to drink but I wanted to get my food in beforehand.

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