Chapter 17

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Becky POV

I woke up after a good night's sleep with her. Us both being still naked when we went to sleep. God last night was something. I looked down at her as she was faced towards me. She looked adorable the way she slept. I stayed in bed with her for a few more minutes then slowly got up without waking her up and walked to the coffee pot in the hotel room and brewed coffee for us. I walked back to the bed and sat down next to her and slowly caressed her hair, planting soft kisses on her cheek as I did this.

Soon after, I felt her head shift a bit and she began to wake up. I saw beautiful eyes slept open and turn to my direction. She gave me a smile. "Sleep well?" I asked. "Of course I did. And you?" She replied. "With you? Of course" I answered. She smiled at my response and slowly leaned up to give me a kiss. She pulled away and asked "Is coffee brewing?" She noticed the sound of the coffee pot being filled. "Yep, and after that I want to know if you want to get a workout in early" I said. "Sure, are we pushing or pulling today?" She asked. "Pulling" I replied.

I look over and see the coffee pot is just about finished and I prepare to get up but I feel her lightly grip on my thigh. I look back down at her and she says "Wait just a minute, and come here" She then pulls me down on top of her and plants her lips to mine. We stayed there a another couple minutes just letting our lips clash with one another. We both pulled away from our kiss at the same time. I stared in her eyes for a brief moment and got up then turned to get our coffee.

I poured our drinks in our mugs and handed her one. We had our coffee and got ready for our workout. We got on our usual leggings with tank tops. We checked each other to see if we were ready, then went to the hotel gym. We had a pretty good workout for the morning going on. As I was beginning to perform a set on the pull down, I noticed Charlotte walk by. "Morning Charlotte" I said as she walked. Hopefully we can reconnect fully as friends soon. "Good morning Becky" She said walking towards a machine. I saw Alexa doing rows. I finished up my last set on the pull down then got up and approached Alexa. "You've got this" I said as I stopped next to her as she was almost done. "God, full on rows suck!" She said. "Be glad you did them though, it'll be beneficial" I replied. "Yeah but the soreness on the other hand, not so much" She said with a slight laugh.

"You ready to run?" I asked pointing to the treadmill. "Yep" She answered. We went over to the treadmills and I saw Charlotte checking her phone. I decided to ask her if she wanted to join us. It wouldn't do any harm if she were just gonna run with us. "Hey Char, wanna join us?" I asked causing her to look up from her phone. "Uh, sure" She said then walked over and got on a treadmill next to me. Alexa didn't mind Charlotte joining us. We did our run for twenty minutes.

Charlotte POV

Our run was pretty good together. It felt great to be in her presence in not a very awkward way for once. I caught my breath as we slowed down on the treadmills after hitting the twenty minute mark. I felt the sweat dripping from the side of my face. "Definitely taking a shower after this" I said. "Same here" Alexa said. We walked and talked on the treadmills for a few minutes and then got off. "Why don't we grab breakfast real quick?" Becky asked me and Alexa then we nodded to her. I felt okay going with them. "So you two enthused about where your storyline is going?" Alexa asked. We are planned to have a blood feud with each other, with me still being the babyface and Becky the heel. "I'm ready, I heard we'll be wrapping it up at Summerslam" I said. "Yep, and it's supposed to be a stipulation match. At least that's what I heard from Shane but he didn't specify the stipulation" Becky said.

"Well we got a few months ahead but it'll be a good one" I said feeling a little worried about a stipulation match, not for me but just for her. I just didn't want to see her push herself to such a limit. It was odd for me to think that but lately Becky has been very driven. I just hope nothing terrible happens. We got to the hotel catering and had our breakfast. Breakfast with the two went decently, but I still felt odd seeing them both being touchy feely with each other. I don't know what it is with me, I just felt a bit jealous during our time especially when I noticed them being affectionate with one another.

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