Chapter 19

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Becky POV

I woke up slowly opening my eyes feeling very exhausted. I quickly noticed I was in a room and not out in the arena as I laid in a gurney. All of a sudden I feel pain surge throughout my body, causing me to wince. Then I felt someone's hand grab my hand. I look over to see it was Charlotte who had a relieved look on her face. "Thank god you're awake" She said. "I feel like I was hit by a damn freight train" I said feeling my pain-inflicted body. "You're telling me, but you are feeling more than me" She replied. "So how long hav I been out?" I asked. "Since coming into the medical office, about twenty minutes" She answered.

I looked down towards my arm and noticed the prick inserted in my arm, injecting fluids in me from a nutrient bag. I ignored it after noticing it and asked Charlotte "So I know the fans loved it, but what did the people in gorilla think?" I asked curiously. "I honestly don't know. Nobody said a word to me cuz everyone was concerned for you" She answered. I looked up at the ceiling briefly reminiscing the match and its intensity. "Those pops were there" I told her. "Oh the crowd was definitely into our match. I'm very proud of that, we did great tonight" She said. "Enough to have Meltzer give us five stars?" I asked with a small smile. "Well I don't know about that but it was an amazing match" She replied with a small chuckle.

I winced feeling my head ache. Charlotte shot up without a second thought and grabbed an ice pack for me. She came back and handed it to me. I grabbed it, thanking her, and placed it on my head. "So did I break anything?" I asked. "Not a single bone" She said. "Thank god. How are you?" I then asked. "I'm fine just sore like you" She replied. I replied with a nod. I felt my face and noticed there wasn't even dried up blood on me. Charlotte looked at me feeling my face and said "I cleaned you up afterwards. The doctor said that you didn't need stitches for those wounds. It was just a lot of blood"

"Thanks, I appreciate that Char" I said. "Of course bab- Bex" She said after a stutter. Wa she about to say what I think she was gonna say? I looked a little confused and she saw this. "I'm so sorry. I don't know why I was about to say that" She said seeming a bit embarrassed. "No you're okay, it's fine" I said. We remained silent for a bit. I kept feeling the heavy soreness all over my body just aching on. I winced when I tried to sit up just feeling the pain. I saw Charlotte with concerned look on her face as I manage to sit up eventually. "I need an ice bath right about now" I said to break the silence.

"Yeah no kidding. You went all out tonight and you need the recovery after that match" She said in agreement. The door opened to reveal the head of medical staff. "Look who's up. How are you feeling?" He asked as he walked in. "Sore as ever" I said. "I bet. Are you comfortable to do a concussion test right now?" He asked and then I nodded to answer. He held up a finger and told me to focus on it as it moved. I focused on every movement his finger made. He then asked me what day of the week was and I said "Sunday" The rest of the concussion test went very smoothly. "Well good news! You don't have a concussion" He said with a smile. "Thanks doc" I said graciously. "I see that there will probably be heavy soreness for the next few days, so best thing to do now is just rest up and ice up especially. Luckily you didn't break anything" He said. "Okay will do. Anything else?" I asked. "Nope, you're good to go and before that I should get you off that nutrient bag now" He said then removed the prick from my arm. "Please do be careful these next few days. If you haven't noticed already, it'll be pretty uncomfortable" He said. "I'll take your word for it" I said while carefully getting off the gurney and limped my way to the door thanking him as Charlotte walked close behind me.

We exited the room and the walking is already annoying as I'm pretty slow with my limping from my banged up back. We walked with each other, me and Charlotte just making our way to our locker room. We walked towards a very familiar man and he walked towards us as well.

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