Chapter 15

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Becky POV

I walked about in the hallways of the arena, trying to cure my boredom before having to get ready for Smackdown tonight. Most people were already occupied with whatever, so I was trying to entertain myself. I clicked my heels and made a few backstage hands laugh at how goofy I was acting. I was just desperate to try and entertain my self, I got that bored. I turned my head and saw Dean walking away and I quickly caught up to him. "Dean!" I said as I jumped on his back and he ended up giving me an impromptu piggyback ride. "Jeez Bex chill" He said as he carried me. "I'm bored okay!" I said. He set me down as we got to the end of the hallway. "How long have you been this bored that resorted to you jumping on my back?" He asked. "It's been about an hour" I replied as I sat on a crate and soon he sat next to me.

"That explains a lot" He said with a small chuckle. I lightly hit his arm in response. "How's Raw treating you?" I asked. "It's alright. Just business as usual. So how have you been? We haven't talked for a week" He said. "Oh you know, just the usual. Okay well..." I said but stopped. "Well what?" He asked wondering. "Well something kinda happened over the past few days and-" I said and was suddenly cut off by a backstage hand. "Hey guys, sorry to interrupt but Dean you have your interview in five minutes" He said then left. "Great. Well I guess we can talk later hopefully" He said getting off of the crate. "Okay then see ya" I said and he walked off. I remained on the crate now remembering what I was gonna reveal to him. That night between me and Alexa. We actually kissed and almost did it again. I thought about that. I never imagined that happening at all.

We are close, yet not that close. I have mixed feelings about it. Yet that kiss... it was so... tender... Wait, no Becky! She's your friend! Though we almost kissed again that night. And the look in her eyes... those blue eyes were very wanting and I feel so... drawn to it... would she want me as more? Do I want her as more? I pondered about the thought of her for a bit. Trying to figure it out. Should we try and give it a go?

"Hey Becky" I heard a voice and heard footsteps approach me. I turned around to see it was Renee. "Hello Renee" I said as she sat next to me on the crate. "Have you seen Dean anywhere?" She asked. "He actually just left me to do an interview" I answered. "Oh gotcha. So what's up?" She then asked. "Oh you know the usual" I said and she raised an eyebrow staring at the expression on my face. "Becky I can tell by your face that something's happened" She said. "Well something did happen and I don't exactly know how I really feel about it" I said scratching my head. "Wanna talk about it?" She asked. "Sure but you can't tell anyone, except for Dean" I said as I looked around the hall to see no one was around but us two. "Got it" She said as she crossed her legs together on the crate.

"Okay so over the break before this loop, I went to a club with Alexa. We were having a great time, everything was good and when we were on the dance floor, some guy tried hitting on her. I covered for her and put my arms around her, which was no big deal, but then we sat down at the bar and some drunk guy tried hitting on me. She tried to cover for me, saying she and I were in a relationship, but he then pressed for us to kiss and wouldn't leave us alone. He was that persistent. So eventually we did kiss and had to make it look convincing, but when we pulled away after about twenty to thirty seconds he was gone" I said revealing most of the night to Renee. She raised her eyebrows. "Wow that's crazy that happened" She said. "That's not all. So after I noticed the guy was gone, I turned and saw she was blushing" I said. "Holy cow! She liked it?!" She asked surprised and I nodded in response. "Well did anything else happen?" Renee asked. "When we got to her house, I walked her to her door and we stopped up at the door, and we almost kissed again" I said. "Oh my gosh. Do you have a thing for her?" She asked. "Maybe, I'm not sure what I exactly feel and I don't know what to do right now. I haven't even seen her after that night" I replied. "Why don't you try and figure it out by getting together with her. Maybe take her out and just see where it goes from there" She said offering advice. "Okay I'll try it out. Thanks Renee" I said giving her a hug. "Of course Becky" She said. I checked the time and noticed it was almost time to get ready. I hopped off the crate and we said goodbye to one another, then I walked down the hallway with a rush of confidence.

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