Chapter 13

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Becky POV

I was walking in a field trying to search. Searching for an answer. Searching for love. Searching for her. I looked around the landscape in its beauty yet it felt like a depressing setting. It felt hopeless, like everything was a facade beside something so lost. I felt lost. I don't know how I can find an answer but I'm desperate. I kept walking and walking and walking. Searching for any trace of her. In the open plains I kept turning to the light. It must lead me to my answer. I overlooked from a hill and saw a mysterious figure with blonde hair out in the distance below me. I went down to investigate. I soon slowly ran towards the figure and it slowly turned around to face me. It was her. My answer. I ran towards her. "Charlotte!" I said as I ran towards her as she stood there. I went to hug her but she immediately withered away before me, disappearing into thin air. "No no no please!" I said as I collapsed to the ground. "Please come back" I said as I sobbed. I cried for her, but she didn't come back. She won't come back. She doesn't care to come back. She doesn't care at all. I looked around the wide landscape, wiping my tears as I stood up. I just realized... Is she my answer? Or is there another? No, she's my answer... But what if someone else is? But I love her... But can she say the same? I began to walk trying to find a way. Just a hint if I could find it, I looked around for it. I kept looking until my eyes pointed towards a figure. It was too bright in its direction that I couldn't exactly see who it was, but just a bright light and a shadow blocking it. I walked towards the figure and soon stood in front of it. Is this my answer? I saw that the figure was a bit shorter than me but I still couldn't see who it was. I placed my hand on its shoulder and surprisingly the figure didn't wither away. Yet, it didn't speak. It slowly walked up to me and was about to touch me but all of a sudden...

I wake up shivering cold and catching my breath. It was just a dream. I lied there in my bed with no one to hold, I had no one with me I had no one to comfort me. No one. I looked at the clock and it said 4:36 AM. I sighed to myself trying to go back to sleep but I failed to do so. I groaned and turned laying flat on my back staring at the ceiling. I lied there in bed just thinking about the day before, wishing it was just a dream but no, it was definitely a reality. I checked my phone and saw there were no notifications. I put my phone down and got up out of bed.

I proceeded to the bathroom and turned to look at myself in the mirror. I ran my hand through my orange hair, scratching my scalp. I took off my bra and panties and stood there looking at my self. "How did you fuck up Becky" I said to myself in the mirror. I stepped in the shower and ran the water, then cleaned myself up. I finished washing myself but remained in the shower pressing my hands against the shower wall as I looked down watching the water flow to the drain. I stood there as I felt the hot water fall from the shower head to my back. I kept getting lost in my thoughts about last night. I feel like such a fuck up. I had no energy to cry, instead I frowned deeper by the second. Is it better this way? Is she meant to be without me and with someone else? Or am I just meant to be alone? I turned off the shower head and stepped out drying myself off with a towel. I walked into the room and saw the time reading 5:08 AM. Everyone had to be on the road by 6:30. I got on my underwear and some jeans with a T-shirt and a hoodie. I was about to sit on the bed but I then heard a knock on my door. I felt my stomach drop as I thought of who it could possibly be. Did Dean give her my room number? I did not feel prepared to talk to her.

I slowly walked up to the door and looked through the peek hole and saw that thankfully it wasn't Charlotte. I had a bit of a sigh of relief and opened the door to reveal Renee and Dean. "Hey guys" I said with a slight smile. After saying that, Renee gave me a hug and I looked at Dean in which his expression said that Renee knew what happened last night. She pulled away and said "I'm so sorry about what happened Becky" Renee said sincerely. "Thanks. This sucks" I say nodding. "That's not just why we're here, we wanted to know if you wanted to ride with us to the next town" Dean said. "Sure, that would be nice thank you" I said and Dean smiled nodding at me. "Why don't we grab some breakfast real quick and we can be on our way" Renee said and I nod quickly thinking about food.

The Queen's Queen - A Charlynch StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon