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Clay rubbed his eyes as he began to wake up, no light peered through the curtains, the outside simply lit by a dim streetlight. It must've been late, he moved but quickly realised george was resting on top of him. Georges legs were intertwined with dreams, his head had found its place on dreams chest whilst his side was pushed tightly against him

Clay attempted to move his arm but the movement caused mumbles to escape george, dream resulted in staying still not wanting to wake the sleeping boy

"m- Dream-  you cant- but sapnap" George mumbled, dream felt the movements of his lips against his bare chest

Dream? George only knew him as clay

He was having a flashback disguised as a dream

George let out a whimper then soon after jolted awake

"you okay? you were talking in your sleep"

George sat up and crossed his legs wiping his eyes.

"Yeah, nightmare that's all"
"Nightmare? what about; are you alright"
"I'm fine, it was weird"
"i'm here if you want to speak about it" dream smiled, deep down he wanted to know if george would tell him

"there's something strange about you clay"
"what might that be"
"i dream of you almost every night- infact every night i don't remember a night where i haven't seen your face"
"I am rather sexy" Clay teased
"No- i've seen you in my dreams before i even met you. Another man too, He's shorter than you but taller than me, stubble aswell as a lip and an  eyebrow piercing. Kind of attractive"
"I don't know, it's weird" George sighed looking away

Clay bit his lip unknowing of what to say

"George can i tell you something?"
"sure" George looked up at him
"You're really pretty"
"I know, i get that a lot"
"I really do mean it, you're gorgeous george"
"are you trying to get in my pants" george giggled
"no you dick!"
"shame, might've liked it"
"oh, is that so?"
"don't know, try me"
"Oh come on now"

Dream patted his lap and george climbed on and looked down at the boy with his big eyes, his eyelashes curled, eyeliner smudged delicately at the underneath of his eyes. The difference in colours intrigued dream, dream brushed his hand over the scar on georges jaw

"before you ask, i was born with it"
"wasnt going to ask"
"you're a bit of a dick you know that right"
"i can be soft for you"
"prove it"
"i cant just do it on command"
"then you can't be soft for me"

George crossed his arms and fluttered his eyes, he stuck his lips out in a pout running a finger down the center of dreams bare chest.

"Is this good enough"
"you still have an attitude"
"I'm not going to baby myself for you"
"hm, didn't ask you to"
"you're such an arse!" george playfully slapped dream

Dream bit his lip, "you like that?" george giggled
"I like when you touch me"
"hm" A devious smirk grew on georges face

he bent to dreams neck and planted short kisses on dreams neck, dream pushed him away a little "do you want this?"
george nodded
"are you sure?"
"why wouldn't i be"
"just wanted to make sure"

george shook his head and went back, brushing his tongue over occasionally

that was until his tongue hit two indents, he pulled away and wiped with his finger concealer coming off.

"oh" george pulled back and looked down at dream

"they aren't dreams, are they...dream?"



So... george knows?

how will bad react

what about sapnap reacting to bad being alive? will he find out?


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