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[Troublemaker - Olly murs]

George turned staring in disbelief as his boyfriend walked away, he watched as sapnap high fived him as if it was something to celebrate.

"I'll take it the boyfriend wasn't too happy" The bartender chuckled as he wiped down a glass with a singular white cloth.
"something like that" George stood holding his blazer folded over his arm, he stumbled over to dream, he must've underestimated how much alcohol he could handle, he grabbed dreams wrist and dragged him to the bathroom.

George shut the door locking it then walked to face dream
"what the hell was that" he attempted to whisper yet his words were more of a yell
"jeez george, quiet down"
"that was gross!"
"oh really?" Dream smirked leaning against the locked door
"Okay fine, it was kind of hot! But besides the point"
"Georgie" Dream lowered his voice sending shivers down georges spine

George nodded, dream stood upright and placed his hand on georges shoulder guiding him to the door holding him against it.

"Complain again, i dare you"
George gulped, eyes widening.
Part of him wanted to test dream
"You're annoying" he rolled his eyes.

Dream brought his hands to georges throat
"wrong answer georgie" He applied pressure and brought his lips to georges, he pushed his body against georges, throughout the kiss tongues were slipped in, dream bit georges lip midway through causing a light moan to escape georges mouth. Dream held george tighter against the wall, George looked up to dream for consent, to which dream nodded he then guided his hands to dreams trousers and began undoing his belt and zipper as dream undid georges.


"You three arent british are you?" the bartender chuckled handing the three their drinks
"mexican" alex raised his hand with a smile taking the drink
"we're both americans" Sapnap smiled gesturing to karl who was resting his head against him, karl and alcohol didn't mix well, it always made him tired

"Do you think georges boyfriend is mad at him? i hope i didn't cause any trouble i genuinely just didn't realise" The bartender looked over to the bathroom then back at the group at the bar

sapnap laughed, "troubles certainly not the wrong word" He raised his eyebrows at alex who burst out laughing before looking back at the bartender.

The bathroom door unlocked and out stumbled george with a limp, his hair was messy and his shirt was untucked, dream was doing up his belt as he walked out as if to say a massive 'fuck you' to the bartender

"did they just fuck in the bathroom" The bartenders mouth dropped
Alex nodded, "by the way george is walking i'd say so"
"That's gross- thank fuck i'm not on the cleaning shift tonight" the bartender shuddered

"me and george are off, something-" dream looked to george holding back a smirk, "something came up"
"not the only thing that came by the looks of things" Sapnap looked at george who seemed exhausted, this earned a light punch from karl and a chuckle from dream.

Dream wrapped his arm around georges waist guiding him to the car, opening the door, george sat and reached for the belt but dream instead grabbed it and clipped it in before making his way to the drivers side.

George rested his head against the window, the radio began, quietly ribs by lorde hummed through the speakers, george opened the window slightly to get a breeze as dream pulled out of the parking spot lighting a cigarette.

"Did you really have to do that in public" george rubbed his eyes sleepily, his sentence followed by a yawn
"i'm sorry baby, did i over step any boundaries" dream sounded concerned, he glanced to george then back at the road
"no, it's okay"
"alright, i love you, you know that right"
"of course i do, i love you too clay"
"good, i'm glad"
"i'm sorry if i ruined today" george mumbled
"you didn't ruin anything gorgeous, i just don't like people that aren't me looking at you, speaking to you in that way"
"i know"
"i didn't mean to embarrass you"
"you didn't, it was hot"
"oh, is that so?" dream grinned
"mhm, i like people knowing i'm yours"
"i'll make it known more often then" Dream chuckled to himself

The rest of the ride home was rather quite, george had soon fallen asleep after their conversation. The radio continued to gently hum music.

Dream gently sung along tapping on the steering wheel as street lights passed; he felt tired but pushed through.

Eventually he pulled up into the apartment parking lot, he got out of the car and walked to georges side, scooping him up. he shut the car door and locked it walking to the apartment, he got into the elevator and waiting as he swayed holding george looking into the mirrors. He kissed georges head, the levator pinged and he walked out, he scrambled with his right hand for his keys, pulling them out and soon stumbling in. He shut the door with his foot throwing the keys onto the counter

He carried george to the bedroom placing him on the bed. He u did georges shirt and tie taking them off and throwing them to the floor, he undid georges trousers not wanting him to be uncomfortable throwing them beside the shirt and tie, he took his own off and stretched, he caught a glance of himself i. the mirror and frowned.

He stared without realising taking in every single one of his own features. He sighed, shaking it off and getting into bed. He pulled george close to him and fell asleep almost straight away.


Sapnap placed karl on the bed and headed back into the living room, alex was sat on the couch. Sapnap sat beside him as alex put a spanish radio station on the tv.

Lo que siento by cuco played

"Que? esto es apenas español." alex groaned face palming
"my spanish sucks, can you say that again but in english"
"i basically just complained that this song is barely spanish, it's like spanglish or some shit, like some parts are in spanish but it's mostly english" he chuckled as the soft tones of the song filled the room

He stood, extending a hand
"what, why?" sapnap chuckled
"i'm trying to be nice to you nimrod, accept it" alex smiled, sapnap shook his head and took alex's hand standing

Alex hummed the words as he placed his hands on sapnaps waist and swayed gently in a dancing manner.

"Time and time again I can be feeling real sad 'Cause mi sueño no se ha hecho una realidad, Pero el tiempo dirá, el tiempo dirá. If we go spend our lives together en lo que el mundo gira" Alex sang running a hand through sapnaps hair.

"Alright, you can be cute sometimes" Sapnap chuckled putting his head against alex's chest
"sometimes, i think you mean all the time"
"fine, all the time"


What do you wanna see in parakeets

i have plans for the next few chapters involving some old neutral characters; but what would yall like to see ! Nsfw/Wholesome/What ships/Scene suggestions etc etc !! i love hearing you guys' feedback

i liked the casino chapters a lot :]

Thank you guys for all the support <33

pssssst remember to use #ParakeetsDNF when talking about the story on tiktok, i look through the tag often so feel free to post feedback, suggestions, art, theories or whatever you want there and i'll follow + like + comment :]

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