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[Cloud 9 - Beach Bunny ]

Sapnap ate his cereal staring out of the kitchen window, quackity and karl were giggling on the sofa. It'd been a week since sapnap invited alex into the relationship, nick hated it. He never got alone time with karl, he couldn't even remember the last time karl had cuddled him or even blinked in his direction.

Sapnap tried focusing on the sound of the spoon occasionally hitting the bowl instead of his boyfriends.

"Alex you're too cute" karl giggled as he straddled alex
"Coming from you- Karl you're just wonderful" Alex cooed running a hand through karls hair
Karl giggled grabbing alex's hand and kissing it
"Your nails look so pretty baby" Alex smiled taking karls hand into his own

Sapnap had began feeling like a stranger in his own relationship, he looked down at his hands, the cracked black nail polish on his nails. Karl used to do it every two days but he'd been too busy with alex to bother, he'd been painting alex's instead.

Another fit of giggles from the two on the couch and sapnap stood. the screech of the chair on the floor and the sound of the spoon hitting the empty bowl, sapnap walked to the bedroom with a slam of the door.

He threw himself onto the bed burying his head into the pillow

he heard the door unlock

"go away karl" he groaned
"it's not karl" alex sighed shutting the door behind him
"if you're here to mock me or laugh that you're getting all of karls attention then go ahead, kick a man already on the ground"
"i'm not here to do that"
"then what do you want" sapnap groaned

He felt an arm around him and a presence beside him
"for this"
"don't give me sympathy hugs because karl won't, i know you hate me alex"
"i don't hate you sapnap, this isn't sympathy either. This isn't a couple, it's a throuple. We should all be equal" Alex rubbed sapnaps back

sapnap sat up looking at alex
alex opened his arms, sapnap hesitated but wrapped into the hug easing into this, he rested his head on alex's chest feeling his chest rise and fall.

"this is actually... kinda nice" sapnap smiled
"see, i'm not THAT bad"
"well you aren't great, but maybe not as much of an asshole as i thought" sapnap chuckled
"that felt like an insult hidden within a compliment"
"I'm sorry, it's just hard for me to get used to this and to warm up to people"
"i can be patient with you, it's alright" Alex found himself running his hands through Sapnaps mullet

the door opened and karl walked in with a smile
"that's it! my two boys!" Karl jumped ontop of them wrapped his arms over the two

he turned to sapnap covering him in kisses causing soft giggles to escape sapnap, "i'm sorry i've not been paying much attention to you baby, i promise i will much much much more" he continued to kiss between sapnap and alex


Dream and George were sat on the balcony, George nuzzled against dream as the two shared a joint, George could now take it himself after shotgunning for so long.

Their hands were interlocked whilst their spare took and shared the joint. They looked out over the rooftops, Dream turned kissing georges head, george blew out the smoke and smiled.

"i had a memory come back earlier" George rubbed his eye as the smoke irritated it
"oh, what was it?"
"We were feeding ducks"
Dream chuckled
"whats funny?"
"you used to love ducks"
"i know"
"i thought you hated them?"
"i thought i did, but then i remembered how i met you"
"you remember that?"
"mhm, i gave you a bunch of dumb facts about them"
"they weren't dumb, it was sweet"
"memories come back everyday, maybe it'll be like the past again one day"
Dream shrugged, "who knows, as long as i've got you i'm not bothered"
"doesnt it frustrate you sometimes? seeing the person you love, having so many memories with them that they can't recall"
"i mean, it can be." Dream stopped and thought for a second holding georges hand noticing the frown on his face "but i'd rather you be alive without a few memories than to not have you at all" dream stroked his thumb over georges hand.

George turned to face dream looking into his eyes, the two just stared for a little before dream threw the final bit of the joint out and brought his hand to georges face pulling him close, their lips interlocked as dreams other hand travelled behind georges neck.

It ended with dream slowly pushing george down onto the cold floor continuing to kiss him against the concrete of the balcony below.

George ran a hand through dreams hair before dream pulled away looking back into georges eyes against the moonlight. He pushed georges hair back and smiled looking down at him.

"what?" george giggled
"i'm just glad you're here"
"i'm glad i'm here too"

Dream stood and picked george up, george wrapped his legs around dreams waist and his arms around dreams neck. Dream walked into his bedroom and swayed around a little as he gently hummed he soon noticed soft snores leaving george, he smiled to himself.

He got into bed with george still ontop of him; he ran his hands up the back of georges shirt and got comfortable before drifting to sleep.


The karlnapity dynamic; thoughts on it in this story?

thoughts on Dream and george in this story?


i'm going to be doing character breakdowns on tiktok where i analyse and explain characters from my different stories!

What characters would you like to see explained

e.g George in DBU, what questions do you have related to the character and what would you like me to explain

i'll go through their personalities, morals beliefs and just a little inside on them :]

love u guys !

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