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[Kitchen Sink - Twenty One Pilots] [Slowed & Revered/ 8D audio preferred]

It'd been two days since 'the argument'; Alex and sapnap hadn't exactly left each-others side, maybe it was because being together was the only way either of them felt comfort in this time.

Sapnap ran his thumb over alex's hand as he smiled, a tv show from 2015 was playing on the TV, sapnap always described it as one of his comfort shows.

"I cant believe this shows 29 years old" Alex chuckled as an episode from season two played
"We're just really old" sapnap smirked
"speak for yourself!" alex playfully pushed him
"I turn 400 in a few decades, gross"
"That's 'csuse youre old as hell"
"You're an ass"
"A cute ass"
"How can an ass be cute"
"Don't ask me, you're the gay one" Alex laughed

Sapnap raised an eyebrow looking down at their hands that were interlocked

"WHAT! it's warm!"
"Kinda sus alex"
"Shut up"
"We're literally sort of dating"
"Sort of?" Alex's tone changed
Sapnap shrugged, "well we were a throuple until karl left- we never properly announced being a couple"
"I thought it was obvious"
"I'm kind of stupid"
"You can say that again"
"YOU'RE NOT MEANT TO AGREE!" Sapnap scoffed playfully pushing alex causing the two boys to laugh

"Can we go out"
"its literally 5am nick, where the hell would you want to go at this time"
"Just on a walk"
"since when you do you go on walks"
"stop questioning me and get up!" Sapnap shoved alex off the couch and stood heading to the bedroom to get changed

He slid on a plain black hoodie and a pair of grey sweats, he didn't want to go over the top just for a walk, he grabbed an old pair of sneakers and slid them on.

His eyes caught himself in the mirror, his mullet had grown to a reasonable length. The back was visibly longer than the sides whilst the top lazily flopped over his left eye.

"You told me to get ready and you're taking longer than i did" alex groaned leaning against the wall, he adjusted his beanie slightly
"Oh shut up you nimrod"
"you're so nice to me" Alex sarcastically shook his head, sapnap replied with blowing a kiss and alex raised his middle finger resulting in a chuckle from sapnap

the two left and walked into the forest.

Sapnap contemplated visiting ranboo and tubbo, puffy was still missing and nobody had really heard from the two, the group had mutually agreed to let them grieve for some time instead of barging into their personal lives.

"It's so cold" Alex mumbled doing his coat up tighter
"Yeah, it is"
"Finally, something we agree on"
Sapnap shook his head at alex's comment and continued to walk, something caught his eye in the leaves

He stopped staring down at his, bent bent down and picked it up

"What did you find?" alex asked looking over
"This is karls watch- isn't it" Sapnap showed the brightly coloured watch to alex, alex grabbed it and looked over it. The glass was smashed and the hands were bent, the colourful leather was torn and flaking.

"Yeah, it definitely is karls"
"Why would he just leave it here"
"Don't know, don't exactly care" Alex shrugged tossing it back onto the floor, sapnap however rushed to pick it up placing it in his pocket.

Alex shook his head at sapnaps reaction, he knew the way sapnap was coping wasn't healthy, he just refused to let go, sapnap deep down wasn't allowing himself to understand that karl did wrong to them, almost like part of him was willing to forgive him at any given point.

In the distance between the fog and the dimmed light of the rising sun something hung from a tree.

"It must've been really windy last night to knock branches over" Sapnap chuckled continuing to walk
"Sap- i don't think that's a branch" Alex walked further.

The 'branch' moved softly swaying in the wind. Upon getting closer human like features were more prominent

The wind turned the body around

Alex gasped, "DONT LOOK" He pulled sapnap to his chest away from the corpse before sapnap even got the chance to even catch a glance.

Alex's face dropped he couldn't help but stare

"Jesus alex- what's gotten over you"
Alex couldn't reply, he just held sapnap closer to him
"Alex what's going on-" Sapnap sounded concerned but couldn't get himself out of alex's grip.

Sapnap looked around, now noticing a few trees were spray painted in red

'i'm sorry'

and over again

Alex trembled, his eyes still fixated.


He was immensely pale, his hands crusted with blood.

His white shirt was bloody and brown, more prominently around the heart area, a bloody wooden stake lay on the floor beneath him. The sound of swaying rope tormented Alex

"It's not a branch- is it" Sapnap began to piece things together

"i- no-" Alex's voice quivered.
"It's karl isn't it alex"
Alex nodded as he held sobs inside, they were bound to break free soon enough
Sapnap let out a painful yell, followed by cries, that alone sent alex into sobs as he held sapnap still refusing him to let him see karl

he knew seeing Karl in that state would break him even more than the man was already broken.

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