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They stumbled through the portal, in another forest. Above them was the treehouse. The croaking and soft calls of the animals around them were heard. Schlatt hid behind a tree and gestured for them to go up
"Cant you come too, slightly suspicious you're making us go whilst you stay safe on the ground" Dream sneered

"Puffy hates me! I ain't goin up there" she cowered behind a tree

George extended his wings and grabbed onto dream, he flew up taking dream, he out dream down as they reached the top. The wood creaked, Dream gestured to his lips in a hushing motion, he slid his hand into his boot taking a knife from it, this surprised george, he didn't know dream had a weapon on him.
Dream and george tiptoed to the door, silently turning the handle and opening it.

There stood ranboo, tubbo stood over something, someone.

Dream rushed over, looking down at the floor

Spifey was bleeding from the head, dead.

Tubbo dropped the bloody brick he held

"Jesus- guys what happened" Dream checked the two over, they seemed unharmed

Dream noticed a bite mark on tubbos neck, he hadn't seen tubbo in years, when did that happen.

"He got puffy" Ranboo mumbled
"Pardon?" Dream looked up at ranboo
"They got her, we don't know where she is" Ranboo sniffled wiping his nose
Dream pulled the two into a hug, george observed from the doorway

He'd only met ranboo once, they didn't converse, it was a brief interaction, the sheep boy who he assumed to be tubbo he had never seen before.

However that didn't stop him looking familiar.

George flew down as dream comforted the teens trying to find out information.

"You're not yourself anymore kid" Schlatt observed
"hm, what would you know about it"
"The attitude never left, i see"
george shrugged
"You don't remember anything do you?"
"must be shit"
"it is"
"i don't remember people who say i mean so much to them, it must be awful for them. I just see blank faces i've seen what feels like a million years ago."
"do you remember me?"
george shook his head no
"good, i wasn't much to remember"
"i'm gonna go- look around" George walked off.

"So- was it just spifey?" Dream asked looking down at the corpse
"who else was there tubbo"
"Fundy? i thought he died years ago"
"he didn't die, he went missing. Everyone assumed he died after niki did"
"So fundys a bad guy now?" Dream looked over to the two teens
"I think so, yeah" Tubbo sighed as ranboo nodded in agreement

"Is your mom hurt tubbo?"
"I think she was okay, she told us to hide, fundy made spifey look around and he found us but we fought back"
"Good job, i'm really proud of you both" dream smiled patting each of their backs
"Thank you dream" Ranboo smiled
"Is george okay, he seems different" Tubbo looked to the empty doorway where george was previously stood
"He doesn't remember anything, don't take it personally if he can't remember something, he's trying i promise"
"oh, i'm sorry"
"Don't be, i'm just glad he's alive" Dream smiled
"Anyways-" dream clapped "-Lets go get your mom and my friends" He smiled heading to the ladder


George walked through the woods wiping his eyes, he felt useless. Things would've been so much easier if he could just remember, if the accident never happened, if bad didn't fuck his life up so badly.

George sighed watching his cold breath swirl in the air, he'd missed florida a lot, despite being deep in the forest the air just felt different it felt cleaner.

"oh george"

george turned

"you just make this easy for me"
"i'm sorry do i know you?"
"hm, they were right"
"pathetic, you can't remember"

the figure approached george he stepped back a little

"goodnight georgie"
The person hit george around the head, george fell ultimately being knocked unconscious




sorry for the late update feeling really bad right now wrote this as a distraction

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