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gore ?
self harm ???

i don't really know how to tag this but it's gross

George sighed, he took his pocket knife and brought it to his forearm, he made sure he had bandages ready, he listened out for dream, thankfully he wasn't there.

He dug the knife into his skin, watching as it poured with blood, he wedged it around until it hit an object.

"okay, i can do this" he huffed, he was thankful in this moment he couldn't feel pain.

He put the knife down and dug his hand in, taking it out.

a small robotic machine, with the tiniest light centred which flashed green.

He breathed a sigh of relief and quickly bandaged his arm and pulled his hoodie over him.

George took some string and threaded it through the machine and slid it into his pocket.

He wiped his brow and left the bathroom, making a double check that there was no blood or residue left, happy with how it looked he made his way to the front door.

"where are you going?" dream appeared behind him
"i need to go to the shops"
"oh, i'll come with you" dream reached for his coat, yet george grabbed his arm.
"it's okay, i can go i won't be long, we only need milk"
"there's already milk in the fridge"


"it expires soon, i'd rather get it now than later"
"okay, stay safe" dream planted a kiss on georges forehead, his eyes glanced to georges hand, noticing a small, dried red stain. He bit his inner cheek
"see you soon love, i love you" George stood on his tippy toes and kissed dream before leaving.


He arrived at the reserve, looking around, nobody but himself.

He knelt and scattered seed and dried berries, he then waited.

After ten minutes two parakeets flew down and began pecking at the seed and food, george threw a blanket and leaped onto it, he caught one.

He moved carefully trying to find the parakeets foot, upon finding it he scrambled to get the machine out of his pocket, he quickly attached the string to the parakeets foot.

He fell back as the bird scrambled from the blanket, the blue parakeet flew crying out as it met the green one at the top of a tree, george let out a sigh of relief.

"i'm done working for you techno" he yelled, the burden finally released, the pressure gone.

George brushed his arm over the sleeved injury, no longer feeling the lump of the electronic that had been planted in him every single time he died and reincarnated.

"you were working for techno?"

George turned, dream was stood, his eyes tearing up.

the biggest look of betrayal planted over his face.

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