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George entered the casino, the atmosphere was like something he'd never experienced before, the floor carpeted with dark reds and golds, poker tables scattered around with various other money scheming games, a corner had slot machines whilst a bar was hidden away to the side, red leather bar stools with a marble table top.

George watched as dream trailed off with sapnap and the rest of the group, george rolled his eyes and sat at the bar, the bartender walked over, average height, strong jawline, soft brown eyes. He had a chain hanging beneath his finely ironed white shirt, shaggy blonde hair.

"Whatcha looking to drink" He had an australian accent
"rum and coke please"
"sure no pro-" the bartender spun on his heel
"-a classic" he chuckled handing george the drink with a smile
"pardon?" george swirled the full glass, looking up from it back at the man
"simple drink for a pretty guy, you strike me as a cocktail type of man" He smiled
George blushed and made a little giggle
"i prefer it simple" george took a sip of his drink.


"Babe- you literally suck at this" sapnap laughed leaning against a machine watching karl lose on a slot machine for the eighth time, "i don't know why are you such a loser" karl stuck his tongue out
"that makes no sense" sapnap laughed
"stop being mean to me" karl crossed his eyebrows
"fine, i'm sorry baby" sapnap placed his head on karls and watched as the fruit icons span around once again.


"You're bluffing alex" Dream looked down at your cards
"stop trying to distract me, you think your sly but dreamy boy, you're far from it" he chuckled observing his cards then raising his eyes to dream.

Dream raised an eyebrow, "you're a person reader jow?"
alex shrugged, "i'm whatever you believe me to be"
"rather ominous, don't you think" dream chuckled
"sort of the point"

"Why on earth would you come to england from australia?" George laughed on his fourth drink
the bartender shrugged
"Dunno mate, not a fan of the big ass spiders"
george cringed, " i hate spiders"
"same, they're gross"
"wait so are kangaroos like actually real"
"please tell me you're joking-" the bar tender held back a laugh
"no! i'm being serious, i've never seen one before" george giggled
"of course they're real! god why are all the pretty ones so dumb" the bartender jokingly shook his head rolling his eyes
George lord down at the cocktail in his hand, he wasnt quite sure what it was, it had a bit of a bitter fruity tang to it, part of him liked it but the other found it rather gross.

"Holy fuck baby- you just won a hundred dollars!" Sapnap jumped for joy hugging karl
"Pounds- but it's still cool!" Karl smiled kissing sapnaps hand
Alex and dream walked over, "what's all the fuss" alex smiled kissing sapnap and then karls forehead
"i just won!" karl beamed pointing at the coins that had fell from the machine
"congrats baby, doing better than me just lost to dream" Alex chuckled, alex looked up at dream noticing his eyes were focused on the bar
"hello dream?" Alex laughed

Dream watched as his boyfriend did the flirty laugh, the embarrassed hand gestures and the sucking in of his lips with the eyebrow raise.
"uh oh" karl mumbled
"why don't you go show the bartender that george is yours" sapnap chuckled elbowing dream
"hm" dream looked up biting his bottom lip.

He adjusted his shirt and began walking over

He wrapped his arms around georges waist from behind, making eye contact with the bartender.

"what can i get you bud" the bartender smiled
Dream rolled his eyes and span georges chair so george was facing him

"Vodka" Dream smiled keeping his eyes on george
"Just straight?" The bartender seemed caught off guard
dream nodded and the bartender went away soon coming back with a shot glass with the pure alcohol.

"Dream what are you doing-" george chuckled
"Making a point"
"What?" George looked to his left then back up at dream who towered over him, Dream smiled taking the shot, he didn't swallow. As disgusting as it was he kept it in his mouth, he brought georges lips to his tilting georges head back slightly before transferring the liquid into georges mouth, george swallowed and shook his head in a cringing manner yet his face was taken over by a thick blush

"that was disgusting" George stuck out his tongue
Dream bought his lips to georges ear and whispered in his lowest voice, "next time remember who you belong to georgie" he smiled turning georges chair back to the bartender and walking back to the group with a smile of succession.


moral of the story; george, don't flirt with cute bartenders because your boyfriend will... well you saw what happened

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