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dream swung the front door open and bad walked in hesitantly, the three sat in the living room.

"this isn't a reincarnation of george is it" Dream frowned crossing his arms
Bad shook his head
"You said you found me when i was younger- that the union assigned me to you and that you'd raised me when i woke from the coma- that wasn't true was it"
"it wasn't a complete lie" bad frowned
"then tell us the truth bad! none of this can make sense when you're obviously withholding so much information" Dream exclaimed, it was followed by small "ba, bum, da" noises, he didn't vocal stim often but right now he was stressed and needed a healthy way to get it out.

"The day george 'died' i was lurking in the woods with philza. When you turned away for a second i took him, me and phil took him back to our hideout, he was in a coma for an extremely long time. Phil decided it would be best to tell george i'd raised him and he'd had a nasty fall and just woken up. When he woke up his eyes were different colours, I told him this story of his childhood to make him believe, he didn't seem to remember anything. But then he started having vivid memory's of you and everybody and i just had to keep telling him they were dreams" Bad sighed looking between the two

"So for the last twenty three years i've been grieving and heartbroken over somebody that's alive!? and you had the audacity to keep that information from me?" Dream yelled more with every word he was now standing and towering over bad

"i thought it was for the better! I didn't expect him to run into you at the zoo! After i saw how happy george seemed and how he told me the way he felt seeing you i felt guilty, so i took him to london. I definitely didn't expect you to be here!" Bad exclaimed
"That's it- i'm telling Nick. Bad this was so incredibly wrong of you to do" Dream wiped his eyes and took out his phone

[Dream: Sap, get boo to poof you here, ASAP. I need you in london]

He put his phone away, bad and dream had noticed how silent george was.

"George are you okay?" dream asked
George shook his head no
"Oh muffin- you'll understand one da-"
"No bad! i won't understand, i could've had a chance of remembering my life before and you stripped that away from me by feeding me lies about a past i never lived! i don't know how you can expect me to be okay about this-"
"oh george-" Bad reached out for george but was harshly slapped away, "don't fucking touch me bad" Dream wrapped his arm around georges waist and escorted him to the bedroom

He shut the door

"breathe, it's alright george"
"alright- it's not alright!"
"I know; but getting yourself in a state isn't going to help" dream lifted georges chin with this finger, george nodded in agreement and pulled himself into clays chest.

"i knew it, i knew something felt different when i was around you. The way you hold me, it felt real- like i'd felt it a thousand times before and now it makes sense" George cried
Dream just ran his hand through georges hair hushing him
"i'll help you remember george, it's okay"


anyone need anything explained

Brief : It wasn't a reincarnation, George never died. He was in a long coma, bad took his body before dream could bury him. Essentially saving his life as dream didn't realise george was in a Hyperintensive Immortalia coma. Bad had lied to george for the past 15 years, and even to dream telling him that it was a reincarnation when it wasnt.

There will be more of an explanation in the next chapters

I feel really sick i've had a migraine for atleast 3 days now i'm stressed with exams and i'm just exhausted; this story is keeping me going though and you all give me a reason to get up in the morning, ily all <3

i wrote this at 7:30 am.

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