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[The wisp sings - winteraid]

George anxiously paced the house, it had been six hours since he had awoken, the sun had since risen and the birds chirped joyfully outside.

Every minute georges chest felt like it was getting tired, he didn't like being away from dream. What if techno came back and tortured him again?

Every foreign sound caused george to jump and his heart to spike, he hated it. He felt unsafe, on edge.

Despite not knowing them too well he tried messaging sapnap, there wasn't an answer he even tried messaging ranboo but once again was ignored.

"come on george get ahold of yourself" he breathed in and out deeply feeling his hands shake, he nibbled at his bottom lip and even occasionally bit his nails.

He'd checked the bandages not too long ago, his back looked awful. He knew it was going to scar and be disgusting to look at. His body would never be the same.

He clenched his fists digging his nails into his palm, they drew blood but he didn't notice, he was too busy focusing on the thumping of his heart.

He heard shuffling outside the door

oh god
they're here
i'm dead
i'm going to die

he cowered hiding behind the couch, he held his panicked- fast paced breaths.

Somebody walked in, they walked towards the bedroom opening the door and walking in, after a few minutes they walked back out and stood still for a second

"george?" The voice called

By now george had already zoned out, he began muttering to himself as hot tears fell down his delicate porcelain cheeks. His heart was racing, faster than the winning horse in the horse races.

He couldn't breathe, he soon fell back. They were sure to kill him now, he'd given his position away- he was an idiot.

"oh george" the person stood over him, their was surprised, concerned and even endearing

George couldn't make out who it was

"Baby, cmon it's okay" he felt a hand on his shoulder

it's dream

george lunged falling into him as he sobbed into his chest. Dream was taken back by the sudden movement, He placed his hands on the back of georges head and hushed

george must've been traumatised;
after all he was chained, beaten and cut up by someone he didn't know
he was terrified, scared and in pain, pain wasn't something george was used to meaning it must've been awful for him.

George still wouldn't calm down, still blubbering and hyperventilating

Dream pulled him back and looked into his puffy red eyes

"georgie i'm here okay, breathe it's alright"
george nodded taking his hands to dreams face checking him over
"i-i-i- i thought i was going to die-"
"i thought you were dead clay" he choked, his words stumbled over eachother, they were clumsy and rushed.

"I'm here, im real and very much alive george, as you are too" Dream brushed away georges tears with his thumb, george fell back into the hug and dream held him kissing his head

"did you do it? did you kill him?"
"he's dead, he can't hurt you anymore george, i promise"
"you pinkie promise he can't come back" george cried, his voice had begun to get raspy.
"i pinkie promise" dream brought his pinkie to georges and kissed it. He noticed how georges hand trembled and shook

"we're safe now, right?" George looked up hoping for reassurance yet dream looked away.
"There's one more thing i need to take care of, it won't be easy though"
"No dream- you can't leave me again- please" Georges breathing began to speed up again
"george, relax okay? I'm bringing you with me, i'm never leaving you again" Dream kissed georges hand, "what is it- what do you need to do?"

"I'm going to kill the other traitor"
"what do you mean other traitor? there was a first, dream- i don't understand" George had now started to get paranoid, the menacing words playing in his head.
"Bad, he wasnt who we thought we was"
"What do you mean"
"He was working for techno, he used to work for the union being assigned to tarkers to raise them and keep them away from other vampires. He must've started getting onto good terms with techno when we got together, Techno convinced him to harbour you and withdraw information."
"Where's bad now?" George frowned
"I had to kill him- i didn't have a choice"
"you murdered him?" Georges face grew a frown, his eyes seemed sadder, discomposed.

"George- He told me he was going to kill me and then you unless i went back through the portal and killed you myself. You have to understand i did not have a choice in that situation"
George shook the thought away, he didn't want to think about the man he loved killing the person who raised him, traitor or not bad looked out for him for an extremely long time.

"Who's the other traitor?" George mumbled wiping his nose with the back of his hand
"A time travelling bastard, he had been telling them the future, giving them predictions. They knew our exact moves because of him." Dream sounded hurt, after all he had known karl for an incredibly long time. The fact that Karl had been siding with the enemy for god knows how long whilst pretending to love his best friend just didn't sit right with dream.
"Dream, i'm scared" George admitted, their eyes met.

"As am i George but just know, no matter what position i'm put in, i will always choose you." Dream brushed Georges hair out of his eyes
"I know you will dream, i love you. I'm so glad that you're okay"
Dream smiled bringing his lips to Georges giving him a soft kiss which George soon returned.
"I love you too" Dream smiled.

The two sat in a comfortable silence for some time.

"We should get going, he's definitely expecting us" Dream stood, he extended a hand to help george, george soon took it and the two stood.

Dream wrapped his arms around George and just held him for some time; "As long as you're here Dream i think- no i know that everything's going to be okay"
"It will be love" Dream kissed Georges head, tightening his grip on the hug.

Parakeets Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora