Break a broken boy.

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(A week later. Wilbur pov)

I had left early this morning. I wanted to stay for tommy but techno had it covered.
'Hey ghost-'
I watched as Niki looked over at me. Noticing that I wasn't Ghostbur.
'Your not ghostbur..'
'Well done. Correct.'
'Tommy was telling the truth..'
I got out my sword and walked over to her. I held it against her neck.
'If you don't answer my questions truthfully it will get closer.'
'Wilbur what are you doing..'
'Why did you try to kill my brother.'
She froze. I knew she was guilty from that. If she wasn't she would've answered straight away.
'He's alive.?'
'Not only is he alive but you decided to bury him alive!'
'What no..we killed him with tnt then buried him..'
'You didn't even check if he was breathing or not?!'
'Well no.'
I pushed the sword closer to her neck. I felt so angry. She had betrayed me by trying to murder my brother.
'I found him in a grave and now thanks to you he's scared of being alone he's hardly talking and he can hardly move without support!'
'Well that's good right?'
Was she trying to make me kill her cause if she was it's working.
'He's scared to death you monster!'
'At least he won't cause any more trouble. Tubbo died because of him you died because of him.'
'I died because I begged my father to kill me. Tommy had nothing to do with it. And tubbo is back.'
She looked at me. I don't think she realised I was being serious.
'Maybe come and see him then you'll realise.'
I grabbed her arms and started leading her to Dreams house. I kept my sword against her neck incase she tried anything.
'Hey Wilbur and Niki?'
'Yep. How are you Niki?'
'i wouldn't talk to her she buried tommy alive.'
I dragged her into the house leading her to techno. I saw him at next to tommy I could tell Tommy wasn't feeling too good.
'Techno come out here for a sec.'
I watched as Tommy looked up seeing Niki. He slowly backed up against the wall looking for anything to protect himself. Techno soon blocked the door making sure Tommy couldn't see her.
'What's she doing here?'
'Tommy told me that she helped bury him. So I'm guessing you can deal with her.'
'Ah well niki. We are going to be best friends after this. Thanks Wilbur. Can you stay with Tommy?'
I nodded handing Niki over to him.
'He hasn't said anything at all he hasn't even moved. Luckily he's had some food but not much.'
'I'll talk to him don't worry.'
I watched as techno took Niki to a different room.
'Hey Tommy how are we?'
I sat next to tommy watching him slowly calm down. He still didn't say anything. This was horrible. I'm usually wishing for him to shut up now I'm wishing for him to talk.
'Want something to eat?'
I looked over at Tommy seeing him fidgeting on the bed covers. He looked scared. I mean I would be scared if the person who buried me alive was near me.
'I'll protect you and I don't think your dad will leave you alone for quite a while.'
I felt Tommy make eye contact with me. He knew I wasn't lying techno would do anything to protect someone he loved.
'Some..some bread would be nice..'
I smiled.
'Ok then.'

(Techno pov. ⚠️violence, self harm⚠️)

I grabbed nikis neck pulling her towards me.
'You buried my son alive you b*tch!'
'He's just a little attention attracter. He'll be awarded for never maturing for never understanding or learning that everyday can't be about him. He's just a selfish asshole!'
I dropped her letting her catch her breath.
'He's a kid.'
'A kid that caused wars that pushed his so called brother into insanity,'
I pushed her down on the floor seeing her smiling.
'Ah did I struck a nerve? Poor Techie.'
I couldn't take this. The voices wanted me to kill her. I wanted to kill her.
'You do not get to insult my son after trying to kill him and get away with it..'
That's when I heard a scream coming from out the room. I run out the room making sure the door was locked.
I ran to Theseus's room hoping he was ok. As I went inside I saw Theseus stood over an unconscious Wilbur.
'Theseus what happened.'
'He..scared me..I didn't know..what to do..'
I bent down turning Wilbur over. Luckily he wasn't hurt badly only a small bump on the head.
'It's ok he's fine.'
'I'm sorry..'
I picked up Wilbur leaning him on a chair. I didn't want him to worry when he woke up.
'Theseus it's ok. I understand but maybe next time try not to knock the other one out.'
He nodded slowly crawling back in his bed. I watched as he surrounded himself with blankets keeping him away from the world.
'Ugh..what the hell?'
I noticed Wilbur was awake and very confused.
'Your fine Will.'
'What happened?'
'Theseus knocked you out.'
'What the f*ck Tommy?!'
I heard the blankets started to move around just as I heard someone crying.
'Wilbur shh..'
I made him quiet down hoping he heard the sobs as well. I got up and sat next to Theseus uncovering the blankets carefully.
I found him scratching his arms into smithereens.
'Woah no stop!'
I pulled his hands away from his arms not letting them go. Wilbur soon found out what had happened.
'Tommy you must't do that.'
He just looked down at his arms not realising what he was doing.
I pulled him into a hug feeling him slowly relax under my grasp.
'You hurt yourself. See on your arms. Don't you remember?'
He shook his head. I wondered what had gotten into him. He had been weird since niki arrived. I got up leaving Theseus on the bed.
'Look after him and this time try not to scare him.'
'Right got it.'
I went to Niki seeing her still on the floor grinning.
'What did you do to him?!'
'It's simple. Break a broken boy and he just snaps. I guess I should thank dream for doing all the hard work first. If he didn't push him in exile he would be harder to snap.'
I drew my axe and sliced her arm open. She was going to pay for this. She had to.
'He's just a kid!'
'Hes a destructive brat.'
I couldn't stand this anymore. She was pushing her luck. I couldn't kill her I needed to know if she had help. I turned my axe around and hit her on the head knocking her out.
I looked behind to see Wilbur. If he was here to protest against keeping her here then we were going to have a problem.
'What's the matter Wilbur.'
'Tommy kinda ran off..'
I run out the room pushing past Wilbur. The front door was wide open.

(Ohhhhhh cliffhanger.)

Blood Prince Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora