Chapter 6~ Was That My Voice?

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"Guys?" She called one more time, "I-Im going to come in."

"Whats is it Haruka?" Ichinose called, trying to quickly fix the situation, "Im in bed, Im about to go to sleep, can you talk where you are?"

Ittoki looked up shaking his head violently trying to make Ichinose stop talking. Ichinose payed him no mind but rather, he pushed himself further in again making Ittoki whimper slightly.

"Ichinose-san? What was that?"

"N-nothing. What were you saying?" He looked back at Ittoki and started up again. His thrusts became more powerful and soon was going at the boy with full strength. All the while, Ittoki had begun to bite into his wrist to restrain his voice from leaking into the air.

"I just wanted to tell you two things. Number one, Syo and Natsuki's commercial went well and the producers are really excited to have them back again some time. Isnt that great!" She waited but there was just a somewhat grunt-y 'mm-hmm' from Ichinose, "Well... second, I talked with Tsukimiya sensei and she said that we need to be careful of the president. She said that he thinks someone in STARISH is having relationships." Ichinose looked at the door, " I just wanted to tell you so you can keep your eyes out, or be safe if its... if its you."

"Oh... okay... Thank you Haruka."

"Also, do you know where Ittoki is? I need to tell him too."

Ichinose looked down at the red headed boy lying under him then back at the door, "No. I haven't seen him since breakfast. Didn't he say he was going for a walk though?"

"Oh yeah! I'll go look around the area!"

"Okay, be careful! We don't need our composer getting lost forever."

"I will be. Thank you Ichinose-san! Sleep well!"

Footsteps ran away from the door and Ichinose stopped to look at the boy beneath him. Ittoki was biting his arm trying to keep his voice down.

"You dont have to block your voice anymore. She's gone."

The arm at Ittoki's mouth relaxed and his jaw released, letting his arm fall to his side. The side of his mouth and teeth were stained with blood and as his arm hit the sheets, red liquid ran off his bite marks, leaving a small puddle of blood on the bed.

"Ittoki! Are you alright!?"

"I'm fine... I just really didnt want Haruka to hear this... to hear anything."

"Are you sure youre ok? Do you want to stop?"

"N-no... I need to figure myself out and this is the best way to do so."

"Okay... If you're sure..."

Ichinose slid himself out again and pushed hard into his partner. Ittoki whimpered some, but mostly out of pleasure.

Ichinose relentlessly rammed into the boy's pelvis, filling the room with pants and the sound of slapping skin.


Tokiya ignored the call from the boy and continued penetrating the deepest regions of him. He quickly regained his bearings after talking to Haruka and began aiming for Ittoki's sweet spot.

His dick brushed the spot and Ittoki's back arched. He aimed for it again and hit it dead on making the boy curl up and moan loudly. The sound of his voice filled the room and he quickly grasped his mouth.

'What was that?'

Ichinose rammed into his prostate again, getting an even louder moan from the red head."

'W-was that me? Was that my voice?'

Ittoki looked terrified. He had never made a noise like that before, but in a way, it was almost like singing.



"Your voice. Dont block it." Ichinose said, moving his hand from Ittoki's waits to grab his arm and pull it away from his mouth, "Its beautiful. I want to hear that more."

The sound Ittoki was making each time he was pushed into started being Ichinose's new favorite thing to hear. The moans from the boy echoed in his mind, drowning out the sound of everything until a sweet voice cut through the heavy and sensual air.

"T~Tokiya... I'm gonna..."

Ichinose, hearing those words, grabbed at Ittoki's dick and held it tightly around the tip.

"Ah! Ichi~ That hurts!"

He pushed those words right out of his mind and kept on going. He began to quicken his pace and soon felt the same urgency as Ittoki was feeling.

"Ittoki... T-together..."

Ichinose pushed and pulled as fast and as hard as he could as Ittoki held tightly onto his arms, his nails digging into his skin.



Loud moans and gasps filled the room and Ichinose collapsed onto Ittoki's chest.

"S-so... What do you think now?"

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