Chapter 29~ Now It Makes Sense

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Ittoki sat the room sobbing for a good five minutes. He couldn't believe what had just happened!

He was so mad at Ichinose he didn't even care that he stormed out in a huff.

Ittoki knew full well that Ichinose was a terrible driver when he was angry, and the first rain in weeks made it even more dangerous, but he didn't care.

"If he gets hurt, its his fault..." Ittoki whispered to himself, sniffling in and wiping away tears, "Serves him right..."

Ittoki stood up and sat on his bed, laying his guitar in his lap.

Sobs escaped him as he slipped into his own mind, drowning in the sorrow and anger.

As time creeped on, Ittoki's mind wandered.

What if Ichinose really did get hurt? Was he just going to not help him?

Ittoki's attitude slowly changed and his demeanor took a turn.

He was fidgeting within five minutes of Ichinose's absence. His mind fled to the worst case scenarios and Ittoki was soon huddled on his bed, worrying about what might happen.

"H-hes gotta be okay... right?"

Ittoki began to move off his bed but stopped.

"No... Like I said before. If he gets hurt, it's his fault!" Ittoki pouted and turned back to the broken guitar.

He squeezed his eyes shut and looked away from the scene.

"No... It wouldn't be his fault... I made him angry..." Ittoki sighed, "This is my fault... Ive gotta go find him..."

The redhead stood up and walked over to his desk.

His hand hovered over his keys for a moment before he made up his mind.

He grabbed them and held on tightly and he looked at his hand.

"Now where would he have..." Ittoki looked up suddenly to a knock on the door.

"Ittoki? Ichinose? Are you guys in there?" a voice called from the other side of the walls.

Ittoki walked to the door, "Syo?"

"Yeah. That's you right, Ittoki?"


"What happened? I thought I heard shouting a little bit ago..."

Ittoki stayed silent. He wasn't sure he was ready to talk to someone yet.

"Ittoki?" Syo asked, becoming worried by Ittoki;s silence, "Can you open the door?"

Suddenly the door swung open, Ittoki lurching forward and grabbing onto Syo.

"Itto-" Syo was swept into a tight hug.

"Hes gone Syo..." Ittoki sobbed, clutching onto Syo's shirt, "Ichinose's gone. I-I screwed everything up..."

"Hes... wait what?"

Ittoki backed up, wiping off his eyes with his wrists, "S-sorry... that was... nevermind..."

"N-no. Whats going on? What happened?" Syo stuttered, looking at Ittoki completely confused.

Ittoki sighed, "Ichinose broke... something... and I yelled at him and told him to get out... I dont know..." Ittoki stopped mid sentence, his eyes widening.


"I-I think I know where he went!" Ittoki said, raising his hand to his lips. He gently bit the back of his finger, deep in thought, trying to decide if Ichinose was really paying attention earlier that night


Ittoki took off running down the hall, not even bothering to tell Syo what was going on.

Syo stared after him, wanting to say something but at a loss for words.

As Ittoki rounded the corner and disappeared from Syo's line of sight, the blonde walked into the room and gasped.

"Now it makes sense..." He whispered to himself, gently tracing his fingers along neck of the broken guitar.

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