Chapter 4~ I Feel Like Something Has Changed

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This wasnt the Tokiya that had just done all those things to him. Not the Tokiya that made him cry. Not even the Tokiya the performs in STARISH. But the one that had been with him through two years if hard work, failure and success.

He rested his chin on Ichinose's shoulder, looking at the ceiling, "I forgive you." He whispered, slowly closing his eyes.

Ichinose jumped back, startling Ittoki, "No... No you don- no you shouldnt forgive me. I did the worst thing possible."

"Its ok Tokiya. I forgive you."

Ichinose's face seized up a little, leaving his mostly closed eyes covered in water. His knees hit the floor with a loud thump. His head fell forward, hands covering his face.

"Im sorry, I-Im sorry, Im sorry, Im... I'm so sorry..."

"Tokiya," Ittoki whispered, placing his bound hands on Ichinose's shoulder, "its- really, its okay."

They sat in the room for close to five minutes, Ittoki listening to sobs and hearing the full story of what drove his room mate to do what he did.

"At that point, I realized you would never turn my way. I was so sad, so depressed. I though, 'whats the point?' I just figured it would be a whole lot easier if I just took you by force, but... I just... I dont know. I really am sorry. If you want me to change rooms or something... I understand."

"Ichinose, youre staying in this room. You're my room mate. No one else."

"Oh thank god." Ichinose looked up towards him, "I was scared you'd leave me alone..."

"Never. Now... We've had our moment... Can you untie me... I really would like to get rid of this..." He laughed awkwardly, tilting his head down.

"Oh shit. Yes I can." Ichinose grabbed at Ittoki's wrists. As their skin collided, Ittoki flinched and jumped back slightly.

Ichinose stopped.

"I guess the though of me touching you is hard now..."

"No its just..."

"But please, just bare with it for a moment while I untie you..."

Ittoki said nothing for a minute while his hands were unbound. He looked down at his wrists. There were deep indents where the edges of the leather belt had dug into his skin.

"Yo-you know... After this... Thing... I feel like something has changed... Im not sure what it is but... Something."

"Hmm... If you feel like something changed the something very well may have. let me know when you figure it out. Id love to know!" Ichinose closed his eyes and his face was brushed with a faint smile that put even angels to shame.

Looking down quickly, Ittoki blushed. Almost as much as he had when his first kiss was stolen.

He felt a small tingle in his lower back and quickly jerked his hands from his side to his crotch, covering a freshly renewed erection.

Ichinose heard the rustle of bed sheets and opened his eyes.

"I-I think I found what changed, Tokiya..." Ittoki whispered, "I think I might... Kinda, sorta, in a way but not really... L-like you.. now?"

Ichinose froze, eyes wide.

"What? Why do you say that. Why now?! After all this!"

"Well I..." An awkward smile spread across the boys face and he began to chuckle softly as he moved his hands away from his groin area.

"...Ah..." He stared at his room mates swollen cock, mouth open a little and eyes wider then before.

"Man... This is the hardest thing I've ever done... But... would... Would you mind... Helping? I dont really know how to do... This... But afterwards im still a little upset!" He sped through the last sentence, hopeing Ichinose would only comprehend the first half.

"No, no... I get it... I would still be mad at me too."

Ichinose took a step in and sat down next to Ittoki. He reached his hand out, pausing before he touched the boy.

"Are you sure... Im... Im really not sure I can hold myself back if you let me do this..."

"I know... But now..." Ittoki turned and looked Ichinose dead in the eyes, "This time you have my consent."

They looked at eachother for a while before Ichinose broke the gaze. He finished his previous movement but laid his hand on Ittoki's thigh instead. He pulled his face close to Ittoki's, laying his hand on the top of the red heads hair, and lightly kissed his forehead.

"I wasnt kidding you know? I really do love you."

"I know," Ittoki smiled lightly, grabbing the hand on his head and kissing the nuckles, "I know."

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