Chapter 18~ The Carnival

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A silent sigh flowed from the three boys lungs as they realized Natsuki was being just as innocent as ever.

"Yeah. Your face is totally flushed!" Natsuki reached his hand out and placed the back of it on Ittoki's forehead, trying to feel his temperature, "Hmm... Seems like you're..."

"Hey everyone!" Cecil called as he walked up to the quartet, followed closely by Ren, Masato, and soon after, Haruka.

"Are we all ready to go then?" Masato asked quietly as he peaked up from his staring contest with the ground.

"Seems like it..." Ren said, looking out the window.

Ittoki was zoned out for most of the passing 20 minute car ride to the carnival. He was still a little freaked out by what Natsuki said.

He had been so worried that he had figured it out and he didn't know why.

It wasn't that big of a deal if he knew, so why did his heart race so fast when he thought he had found out.

Before he knew it, Ichinose was patting him on the shoulder, saying something about getting out so they could go have fun.

Ittoki perked up at the word fun. He had almost forgotten the entire reason they were here!

"Yeah! Lets go!"

The boys stepped out of the car and immediately looked around.

People were staring and pointing but no one was coming to the car.

"Do you think they're criminals?"

"Why do you say that?"

"They look so suspicious!"

Whispers filled their ears but they didn't mind. No one was noticing and that's was all that mattered. They wanted to be invisible and it had worked!

"I guess they're not noticing..." Ichinose whispered.

"Looks like it. Lets hope it holds up!" Ittoki said, smiling brightly.

They walked away from the car, walking a couple paces behind the rest of Starish. They didn't want to make a huge deal out of it when they snuck off, so staying a bit behind was easier than suddenly leaving from the middle of the group.

A good ten minutes passed and no one said anything to the two of them. Not even the rest of Starish. Ittoki assumed that Syo had something to do with that.

"Syo-chan! Lets go play some games! I was that big Piyo-chan plushie!" Natsuki said loudly, making a few people turn to look at the familiar name and voice.

"Geh! Natsuki! Shh!!" Syo whisper shouted, clapping his hand over Natsuki's mouth, "You cant say our names that loud or people will realize its us! We came here to relax! Remember?"

Natsuki nodded his head and Syo let go of his head.

"Cecil-kun? Why dont you come with us?" Natsuki suggested as he grabbed Syo around the shoulder, hugging him towards his side.

"Hmm?" Cecil hummed, looking back at the two after staring all over the place in aw of the carnival, "Oh, sure! Sounds fun!"

"Then Jinguji, that leaves me and you." Masato stated plainly.

"That's fine with me. As long as the little lamb can come with us." Ren said, winking at Haruka.

As the rest of Starish decided their plans, Ittoki and Ichinose stared at each other, completely dumbfounded. Was it really this easy to be alone?

As they split off into three groups, they all waved goodbye and went their separate ways.

Ittoki looked at Ichinose and smiled.


"Shall we?" He asked, jumping back slightly and holding his hand out as if he were expecting them to dance.

Ichinose sighed and chuckled quietly before pushing Ittoki's hand back and patting it.

"Lets go."

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