Chapter 1: Itachi's strategy

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Neji's POV

I returned home and left my bike there. Then I called Itachi.

"Itachi, can I stop by today?" I don't call him -san because our relationships aren't the best. He's still Uchiha.

"Of course, I count on you, Neji-san."

"Sure..." He doesn't feel any hatred, does he? Well, I'll stop by his house. He sent me his address yesterday. I wrote to him late at night. I rang the bell.

"Oh dear, who can it be?" asked Mikoto-san. She opened the door.

"You must be Neji-kun!"

"J-just call me Neji, Mrs. Uchiha."

"Of course."

"Where is Itachi?" I asked.

"He's in the living room."

"I see."

"Well, I have to take care of the twins now. You can talk with Itachi."

"S-sure." I already forgot that Itachi is a father now. Well, he had already graduated...

"Neji-san! Is that you?"

"It's nice to meet you, Itachi-sa..."

"Drop the formalities. Just call me Itachi."

"Then do it too." I said. He's not that bad after all.

"Oh, all right, Neji." He smiled.

"Well, you know what I wanted to offer you." I wanted to make sure.

"I know. And I'm really glad about it."

"I know that it was Fugaku-san who killed my uncle. But he pays for his sins. I feel no hatred towards you..."


"Anyway. What do you want to do? The Mafia is..." I said.

"The Mafia is no more!" said seriously Itachi. What does he mean by it? I wanted to unite our mafias together!

"Wait, I thought you were glad about it!"

"Yes, about the cooperation." I'm still confused.

"So? What are your plans?" I asked.

"You see, I have a family now. And I want to protect it no matter what... So, I want to cooperate with FBI. But we will be FBI in the shadows. And... I also want to protect Sasuke. There's something wrong with the FBI, so I want to check it out. Now I'm training Sasuke for the moment they take him away from me..." It's well planned, but why Sasuke?

"Wait! Why would someone take him away from you?!"

"This also applies to Naruto-kun, Neji."

"N-Naruto?! Why?"

"Well, he's the son of the last head of FBI. Namikaze Minato's son. His last name is Uzumaki because of his father's reputation. A lot of people could go after him."

"I-I see. I didn't know that." And Itachi is Sasuke's brother. That's why Sasuke is in danger. Itachi is much better known than I thought...

"So... will you help me?" Hinata-sama, this is for you!

"I'm in. Let's check with the FBI," I said seriously. Itachi smirked. Itachi and I discussed his plans. He planned well in advance, which surprised me. It all worked. He's really smart. His plans are accurate and we have little chance of getting to the main building, where the FBI head is hiding.

When we talked about it all, I said goodbye and returned home. Hinata-sama was already there...

🎤"It's the start of us, waking up, comon... Are you ready? I'll be ready... I don't want control, I want to let go... Are you ready? I'll be ready... ‚Cause now it's time to let them know we are ready... What about us?" 🎤

She is singing! I have to tell that she has a lovely voice, but why is she so happy? I'm glad about it of course, but I've never seen her like this. I came to the kitchen. Hinata-sama hummed.

"Oh, Neji-nii-san!" she was startled. I guess I surprised her.

"What are you doing, Hinata-sama?"

"Oh, I'm making a chocolate." Chocolate? Valentine's Day is only in February... What is she thinking?

"Hmm, for who?" She blushed. And turned around. She's shy about this? All right, now I want know!

"Hinata-sama, tell me," I said seriously. If that's that Kiba, I don't know myself. Even though I don't know him. It does not matter. She intertwined her fingers.

"It's... it's for Naruto-kun..." She blushed and covered her face. She's so cute. Wait, for Naruto?! What happened while I was gone?!

"Hinata-sama, he hurt you. What happened between you two today?" She blushed. Ahh, what did he do?

"W-well, I finally confessed to him and he accepted my feelings..." She smiled warmly. What? So... so... they are together now? I think I have a heart attack...

"I-is that all?!" She's still hiding something.

"W-we kissed..." No way! He defiled Hinata-sama's mouth! I didn't noticed at first, but Hanabi was listening to us. And she was smiling.

"What are you looking at?" asked Hinata-sama.

"I saw Hanabi."

"Ahh!! Now she knows too!!" Hinata-sama's face was red.

"And what happened with Kiba? Naruto was pretty sad about it yesterday..."

"Oh, he asked me out. But it wasn't a date. We went for a walk with Akamaru."


"That's his dog. Kiba-kun is very understanding so he understood my feelings for Naruto-kun. He wished us good luck." She touched her chest.

"Oh, that's nice..." I didn't want to shoot him for this at all... Hahah...

"So... you and Naruto?"

"We are dating. I guess I can say that..."

"Aren't you sure?"

"H-he invited me on a date, but it's this weekend at Sasuke-kun's party..." That idiot. Hinata-sama deserves the best and he invites her there. That isn't even a date.

"All right, I'll go with you."

"Y-you don't have to..."

"If it was a normal date, but this is a party. I have to protect you, Hinata-sama."

"A-all right... I don't mind at all." Huh?

"TenTen-chan will also be there."

"TenTen? Who's that?"

"You met her in the arms trade, remember?" I see. That nice girl is TenTen.

"And what's with that?"

"I-I think she likes you..." Me? We met only once...! Why?

"But I don't know her very well. I can't tell the same about her."

"I-I see. You should get to know each other better at the party." I'm not looking for a relationship, really.

"Please, do it for me?" Puppy eyes? She wants to kill me...

"All right, I'll do it for you, Hinata-sama. But you won't do any romantic things with Naruto for that!"

"O-of course!" She was shy. I don't worry about her, but about Naruto. He could persuade her to do so despite her proper upbringing.

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