Chapter 12: Sister

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Naruto’s POV

The bullet from Madara was removed from my hand immediately. Then they just gave me bandages. It wasn't that bad. Then I called Sakura. She needs to know about Sasuke's condition.

"… Naruto... Naruto!" She was out of breath. She had to hurry.

"You are here quickly!"

"Yeah, I had to be here as soon as possible." She smiled.

"He’s in this room?"


"Thank you, Naruto."

"No need to thank me. Before Sasuke wakes up, I'll tell you what happened." She nodded.

After an hour, we looked into Sasuke's room. Sakura immediately sat down next to him. She saw that Sasuke was missing one hand. But that wasn't her concern right now."

"S-Sakura…" Sasuke woke up and Sakura hugged him. Well, I'm extra here now…
I didn't want to disturb Sasuke and Sakura and I still want to visit Hinata as soon as possible. I can't wait to see her after three years-ttebayo! I asked the nurse her room number. She was nice and she told me.

But when I found her room, there was a pale guy standing there. He was completely white, even his hair. He looked like a porcelain doll.

"Who are you?" I asked. He smirked.

"So you are that Naruto."

"Answer." I frowned at him. I can already say that I don't like him.

"Ootsutsuki Toneri…" Ootsutsuki? Is he related to Hagoromo?

"Hinata’s boyfriend." He smirked. I felt great pain in my heart again.

"N-no way…" I was sad.

"You already had your chance and you wasted it. Don't worry, I will make Hinata happy." I frowned at him. Like I would believe this crap.

"Let me talk to Hinata!"

"That’s impossible. Her cousin and sister are in her room right now. In addition, Hinata is in a coma." I was shocked.

"I-it’s that bad?"

"You are not that selfish after all. Hinata suffered serious shard injuries. She went to surgery immediately, but she still had scars. Unfortunately, the doctors had to put her in a coma. Too many internal organs were injured. She even had a cardiac arrest. So yes, it’s really serious." I was sweating. And I swallowed.

"Isn’t this your fault? Hinata risked her life mainly for you."

"How do you know that? And why would she do that when you are her boyfriend?" He smiled.

"She’s just too kind. She felt sorry for you and wanted to help you. I wanted to stop her, but she was stubborn," said Toneri. Should I believe him? I'd better wait for Hinata… Even if it takes a day, a month or even a year. A moment later, Neji came out of her room. Hanabi too.

"Naruto, I’m glad you are here! You have to go to Hinata-sama!"

"Wait, Neji, what are you-?!" Toneri frowned at him. I guess he doesn’t like Neji. Neji dragged me to the room. And Toneri was right. Hinata was really in coma.

"Hinata…" I said. Hanabi was sitting next to her.

"Naruto-nii? Is that you?" She‘s much taller. She's fourteen too.

"Hanabi, you are taller!"

"You too!" She smiled. But then she looked at Hinata again.

"Please Naruto-nii. This is my only request. Stay here with my sister. I'm sure it will cure her." She looked at me. She was really desperate. But why me?

"Wait, isn’t Toneri her boyfriend?"

"You mean that pale jerk? No way Nee-sama would like someone like him! I’m sure she loves only you, Naruto-nii…" Pale jerk? So he lied? That bastard… But after Hanabi's words, I was relieved. I hugged her.

"Thank you, Hanabi. I’ll make sure your sister will be all right. That’s a promise." I smiled.

"Naruto, I despised you for a long time and I didn't think you were the right one for Hinata-sama. But now I'm grown up and I know you're really the only one she'll love. Plus, I don't like Toneri either. He talked about Hinata-sama too much. I will not allow such a jerk to approach her!"

"Oh Neji! You are the best! I’m so glad you are on my side!" I hugged him.

"Hey! Let me go!" He was anxious. I'm not surprised, he still has his pride. But I let him be.

"Naruto-nii, and don't mess it up again. I want to be an aunt soon!" said Hanabi. Aunt? That’s just too soon! Damn kids… I nervously laughed.

"W-well, I don’t even know if Hinata still likes me so…"

"You won‘t get out of this conversation!!" Neji frowned at us. He obviously didn't like this conversation.

"Hanabi, let’s go. Naruto needs privacy." She nodded. Then she waved at me. I waved at her too. Now I just sat down next to Hinata and grabbed her hand.

"I know you probably can't hear me, Hinata, but I haven't seen you in three years. You don't even know what happened during that time. I'll tell you everything. Do not worry. Even if I had to stay here all night..."

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