Chapter 9: Life-threating

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Hinata’s POV

I freed all the beasts. Now I just have to get out.

"The intruder is in this room!! Arrest him!!" The door was already opening. But no, there is no escape route. But now I still have to do something else! Fuses, where are the fuses? I looked around the room. I have good eyesight from a distance and I just saw a dusty locker at the very top of the corner. I have to get there!

"Open the door!!" I locked the door. But it won't be long before they get here. I took a knife and cut all the fuses.

"What the hell… It's completely dark!!" Heh. It worked. Suddenly I heard all the doors, but also the windows, closing. Madara will not run away!! But no, even my window closes! I quickly took the beasts and was about to jump out the window.

"Maybe I won't survive. But the main thing is for you to live!!" I said and jumped. The whole window shattered. I saw my blood splatter all around. I also had shards in my internal organs. There’s no way I can make it… I smiled. Good bye, Naruto-kun. BE ALL RIGHT… I jumped from the second floor. The height was not fatal, but my shard injuries were… As soon as I fell to the ground, I fell unconscious. And I lost all the beasts. They ran away. They were scared. I didn't notice anything and anyone anymore…

"Hinata-san! Hinata!!" Is it Toneri-san? Well, it doesn’t matter…

Toneri’s POV

Early in the morning I went for a walk around Tokyo. I decided to visit FBI headquarters. It will be my future job, so why not? In addition, I've heard rumors that something strange is happening there.I went to take a closer look. I wanted to look in the window.

"Maybe I won’t survive. But the main thing is for you to live!!" someone shouted. Then I just heard a window crack and a deep bump. I didn't hesitate, and I quickly went to see it.

"N-no way…" I saw Hinata-san lying on the ground. She was full of shards all over her body. And a lot of blood flowed from her. In addition, she was unconscious…

"Hinata-san! Hinata!!" No response. I took her hand. I did not remove the shards. If I did, she would die of bleeding. I also supported her head to breathe better. Then I just called an ambulance… But it took a long time.

"It’s been 5 minutes!! Where are they?!" Suddenly I heard a siren. It was them! They quickly came to Hinata and began to treat her. They gave her oxygen and strangled her wounds.

"We are losing her!" W-what does that mean?? Suddenly, they tore her clothes and began a heart massage.

"… 28, 29, 30… Oxygen!!" They repeated this three more times. Then they touched her neck.

"We have her! I can feel her pulse!" I-I felt so relieved. They carefully loaded her into an ambulance and took her to the hospital. I immediately went after them.

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