Chapter 5: Without her

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Naruto’s POV

Damn!! Hinata was gone and I was left alone. What happened?! I do not know what to do... Without Hinata, I'm completely lost… It was raining that day. It must have been fate. I said goodbye to Teuchi and went home. In fact, I didn't even like the ramen. For the first time in my life. I came home. Pervy Sage was already there.

"Yo Naruto!" He smiled, but I didn’t.

"Hi…" I said and went to my room… I lay down on the bed. I dug my face into the pillow…

"Hinata…" I still have to think about her. And I don't like it at all, she‘s not mine anymore… Pervy Sage came to see me shortly after.

"Naruto, what happened?" He knew something was wrong.

"Why aren't you at work?" I asked. I don't want to talk about it.

"I have a night shift today. I'm leaving at 10 p.m. But Naruto... tell me what's wrong with you. I promised Minato I will take care of you…

"Hinata… She broke up with me…" I said. He wasn’t shocked. I guess he expected it. With my personality…

"Hinata is not the only one. You will find a lot of other girls!" He tried to cheer me up. I'm grateful to him, but...

"None will be like Hinata. Hinata is the only one…"

"Hmm…" He approached me.

"That's how I felt when Tsunade left me. And look at me now?"

"But you knew why she left you. Plus, you still love her."

"I will not deny that. But she's happy with someone else now. That makes me happy."

"But you'd better have her with you anyway…"

"Well, you are right in that… But you won't solve this problem by thinking about her all the time. She will remind you of everything."

"I guess…"

"Plus, you don't have time for girls right now. You have to train. Three years will pass like a river." I nodded. He’s right…

"You're right. In addition, Hinata is moving to another school, so I won't see her anyway…"

"She’s moving… to Tokyo," he said… Wait! How come I don’t know about this?!


"I shouldn't have told you, but I want to tell you the truth. You won't see Hinata for a long time."

"That's actually great!"

"Huh? I don’t understand…"

"You told me where she is moving. I will be able to visit her!!"

"No, Naruto, you won’t. I don't know the address either and Tokyo is a big city. The capital of Japan. And I don't think Hinata will want to see you…" My smile faded away.  I wanted to have hope. But he's right. When she broke up with me, she probably wouldn't want to see me.

"I probably have no choice. I want to start training. But teach me something useful."

"Of course, you will learn to shoot next week."

"Shoot?" He nodded.

"Great!! I will be closer to fulfilling my dream!!"

"That’s right. But don't slow down. Everything I've taught you so far will come in handy!"

"All right, Pervy Sage!!" I was fired up!

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