Chapter Sixty-Two

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There's a major time jump... Just so you guys know... I jumped forward about four months. Niall is four months pregnant, the twins are five months.

Chapter Sixty-Two

Backseat serenade

Little hand grenade

Oh god, I'm sick of sleeping alone

"Zayn.... Put the hose down." I said, holding up my hands in surrender as Zayn smirked. We were all in the backyard, enjoying the nice August weather. Niall and Liam were sitting on the porch with the twins, watching as Zayn and I played with the other two kids in the water. Zayn was currently standing in front of me, the water hose just waiting to drench me in water.

"I bet you're wishing you'd paid that child support now, aren't you Styles?" Zayn taunted, reaching to turn on the hose. I closed my eyes as tight as I could, bracing myself for what was about to happen.

"You don't have to do this Zayn..." I said, still holding up my hands.

"Oh, but I do." He said, and not even a minute later the cold water hit my skin. I let out the girliest of squeals, running away from the water and towards the porch.

"Zayn, don't you even think about it." Liam warned, looking at Zayn. Zayn pouted before putting the hose down, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked back at Liam.

"Why must you ruin my fun?"

"Because you would probably be in prison if I didn't. Or worse... dead... but now that I think about it go ahead, have fun." Liam shrugged, smirking a little as Zayn gave a loud gasp. I hid behind Liam, looking over at Niall as he rolled his eyes.

And then suddenly Zayn got a glint in his eyes.

One that nobody wanted to see.

"Zayn.... You don't want to do this.." I tried, knowing that it was probably useless to even reason with him.

"Words won't save you now Harry."

"I'm just saying... You're about to end up in some dangerous waters..." i inched closer to Niall, having no shame at all that I was going to hide behind my pregnant husband.

If Liam wasn't going to do anything, Niall sure as hell would.

"Your husband doesn't scare me." Zayn said, almost as if he was staring an obvious fact. Niall scoffed at that, crossing his arms over his chest as he arched an eyebrow. Liam sat back with a smirk, watching the situation play out. I took this as my opportunity to duck down by the twins, laying on my stomach next to Jemma as she cooed. Jonah was cooing too, rocking from side to side before kicking out his legs.

"Are you threatening me?" Niall asked, his voice clearly stating it was a rhetorical question.

Zayn didn't understand pregnant people.

But then again with the way Liam acts he could be pregnant.

So maybe Zayn did know how to handle pregnant people...

"Tell your husband to stop being a pussy and to fight me like a man."


"I am not going to encourage fighting Niall." I said, sitting down stubbornly. Niall's "are you really going to go there" look was now faced towards me along with Liam's amused smile.

Stupid f ucker.

I'm not going to be subject to this torture.

"Don't be an idiot Harry. You're not going to like it if he ends up getting me wet."

"That's what she said." There was no hesitation in my comeback, but it did earn me a glare from Niall along with a smack on my upper arm.


"What? You seriously didn't see that one coming?" I said in my defense, of course I should really know better than to pull jokes around a pregnant Niall.

It was almost like his sense of humor goes out the door.

"You're about to end up on the couch tonight." Niall said warningly, glaring at me as if it was actually going to bother me.

"Honey, that's pretty much where I always am. Your threats mean nothing."

"Fine. You don't get to name the baby." Niall smirked as I let out a small gasp.

"Damn you."

"Adrien Jensen Styles is starting to sound pretty fitting." Niall challenged, smirking as I still looked at him in disbelief.

"You wouldn't dare." I replied, narrowing my eyes at my husband.

"Don't be so sure."

"Wait... Are you guys having a girl?" Zayn finally put down the hose, looking at Niall and I with confusion clear on his face. Liam was also looking at us, interest clear on his face.

"No." I said.

"Yes." Niall also said.

Our voices coming out in unison, creating yet another confusion for the other adults.

"Well... Which one is it?" Liam asked, arching an eyebrow as Niall and I had some sort of glare off.

"We don't know. I think it's a boy, but Niall here seems to think it's a girl." I said, finally looking away from Niall and over at Liam.

"You're far enough along to know... aren't you?"

"We've decided to keep this one a surprise. If all goes as planned this is our last one, so why not keep a little mystery?" Niall answered, shrugging like it wasn't a big deal.

In all honesty it wasn't...

But then again I was dying from anticipation.

"That's cute." Liam scoffed, earning an arched eyebrow from not only me but Niall as well.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"It's like Niall's hobby is getting pregnant and yours is getting him pregnant. I bet you thirty that you'll have at least one more after this, be it planned or completely on accident."

"I bet you forty that they have six." Zayn said, nodding in Liam's direction while Niall and I looked at them in complete disbelief.

The nerve of some people.


This is probably the worst chapter of the entire story.

I tried to make it funny, but like I've been in a really crappy mood today so I couldn't even force the humor.


Anyways, I apologize for that.

Also, I posted a new story yesterday that I'm really excited about. The cover is in the multimedia. It would mean a lot if you guys checked it out and left some feedback.

So yeah.




Connie xx

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