Chapter Sixty-Four

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Jumping forward again... Sorry. Niall is now 6 months pregnant, the twins are 7 months and A.J. is almost 4.

Chapter Sixty-Four

Don't let go

I've wanted this far too long

Mistakes become regrets

"Andrew?" Niall arched his eyebrows at me, a look of complete disbelief on his face.

"Yes. Andrew." I replied, folding my legs as I sat on the bed with him. We were enjoying a quiet Sunday morning in early October, the sun having yet to rise along with the kids.

"Why Andrew?"

"Well you said you wanted to keep a theme with the kids... A.J. is the only one that starts with an A so I figured we might as well stick with an A... So I thought why not name him Andrew Jeremiah? It flows and it would stick to the theme." I shrugged, but to be quite honest my explanation sounded better in my head.

I kind of just sounded like an idiot.

But then again to Niall I was always an idiot so really it wasn't that big of a deal.




"Nickname him Andy for short... Or Drew." Niall's nose scrunched up at that, a tell tell sign that he didn't like that idea.

"We could just call him Andrew..." He said, a soft smile now covering his face as he looked down at his fairly large stomach. I smiled too, scooting closer to him so I touch his stomach.

"So you agree with me that it's a boy?" I asked, feeling somewhat smug about the fact Niall seemed to be on board with another boy. Niall snorted at that, shaking his head as I looked at him expectantly.

"No. I don't think it's a boy."

"It's gonna be a boy."

"Harry, we've already got two boys. We need another girl to balance it out. We need two of each, end of story." Niall sighed, once again shaking his head at me.

He was still smiling though.

And that was something I lived for.

"Are you going to name her Adrien?" I asked, looking back at his stomach. I started to trace the stretch marks on his stomach, I wasn't really sure if they were from this pregnancy or from the last one...

"No... You were right about Adrien not being a very good name... at least not for one of our kids anyways."

"Then what do you have in mind?" I whispered before leaning down and kissing the scar that rested along Niall's stomach. He hummed in response though, not replying to me for a minute.

"I like Addison... We could call her Addie... Audrey... I really like Audrey." He whispered, his fingers running through my hair as I lay against his stomach. I could feel the baby moving underneath the skin, occasionally a foot would press against my head.

"Audrey? Audrey Jensen?"

"No... Audrey Jane. Audrey Jane Styles."

"I like it... Has a nice ring to it." I smiled at him, sitting back up before kissing him softly. It was in that moment a loud shriek sounded from the baby monitor, signally that our quiet Sunday morning was now over.

The twins were now awake.

Which meant A.J. wasn't too far behind.

"I've got them..." I said before Niall even had the chance to get up off the bed.

"You sure?"

"Yes I'm sure. I'll bring them in here if you want?" I trailed off and Niall nodded in agreement. I got up off the bed and walked to the twins room which was just across the hall. Both babies were awake, but neither of them were really crying. Jemma was sitting up, content with her surroundings as she looked around. Jonah was sitting up too, his little hands gripping onto the bars of his crib as if they were the only thing keeping him from floating away. I went to Jonah first, reaching down into the crib and earning a surprised shriek from the small baby.

"Morning baby." I whispered, kissing his cheek and receiving a little giggle from Jonah. His hands patted at my face as he looked up at the ceiling, not that he really could see it anyways.

"Gah?" Jemma was now aware of my presence and she was peering at me through the crib bars too. She didn't seem to appreciate the fact that my attention was on Jonah more than her, bursting into tears as I began to walk out of the room.

"I'll be back princess." I said, knowing that she really didn't care about what I said, she was more focused on the fact I was leaving her. I sighed before turning around, walking back over to her crib as I tried to figure out how the hell I was going to get her out with Jonah in my arms. I adjusted Jonah onto my hip before careful reaching into Jemma's crib.

It wasn't easy.

But I got them both out.

Jemma stopped crying almost immediately, nuzzling into my neck as I adjusted her a little so I wouldn't drop her.

I walked back to the bedroom, smiling when I saw that A.J. had found his way into the bed with Niall. He was resting his head comfortably on Niall's stomach, his eyes closed and short breaths coming out.

He was obviously asleep.

Niall smiled at me as I sat down onto the bed. I put Jemma down first and she instantly went to Niall. Niall cooed at her before laying her down on his stomach with A.J.

I sat with Jonah in my lap, the little boy making random noises and then occasionally clapping his hands together.

I looked at Niall, smiling at him brightly when he looked back at me.

"What?" He asked, still playing with Jemma's hands as she giggled.

"I just love you... I really love you... like so much that it's insane... and I'm just glad that I have you." I whispered, being completely honest as I continued to look at him.

"I love you too... Idiot." He replied, looking away from me but with a smile on his face.

"But I'm your idiot." I whispered.

"My idiot."


I cry.

There's like one chapter left for this book.

I cry.

And I'm gonna do the fifth book, but I'm serious about this one being the last one (well for Niall and Harry's story... cause there's the Ziam spinoff still and then the A.J. spin off)

But yeah.

Let's play guess the title, shall we?

Initials are PH

You guys are amazing xx




Connie xx

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