6|Doctors Visit|6

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My motivation rn is through the roof it's scary so let's boost this book for fun and because likes are cool and I crave validation from strangers

"Time waits for no one"- Folklore

-mentions eating disorder
-mentions dizziness and nausea

George woke up the next day, early enough so that he had time to get ready for his doctors appointment. Dream was still asleep and so George gave him a small peck on his blonde bed head before he rolled over and used the bedside table to stand up.

Everything was so much harder than it had been before for no apparent reason, yet. The brunette sat down at the kitchen table to eat two slices of toast and began to think back to the past. The last time he felt this physically weak and ill was three months ago, the time when he went through the worst thing in his life so far. His eating disorder.

It was those two disastrous weeks when he barely ate anything and if he did it was a cracker or a slice of toast. Suddenly the toast on his plate didn't seem too appealing after the memories flooding back to him. George stood up and put the remaining toast in the bin, grabbing himself some Cheerios instead.

The brunette continued to wonder what could be wrong, he had been eating well, staying healthy, sleeping well.

Shaking the thoughts from his head, George decided to wait until he went to the doctors to get the answer, he didn't want to over analyse anything, that never ended well.

Shovelling the remainder of his breakfast down his throat, George scrolled through instagram for a little before he stood up and put his bowel in the sink. The brunette snuck back into the bedroom and looked at his sleeping boyfriend.

Dreams hair was all a mess and he had latched on to George's pillow, clearly thinking it was the brunette. He lay snuggled up like a burrito in the remaining sheets and George smiled, that was his boyfriend.

Snapping out of his trance George made his way to their closet.

Deciding on a simple outfit, George grabbed his overalls and put one of Dreams green sweatshirts underneath because it smelt like him. George needed the comfort if he was to go to the doctors by himself. Grabbing a pair of white sneakers, George wrote a note for Dream.

Be back soon baby, just going to the shops
- Your favourite person (it's me George) x

Setting the note on the table, George opened the door and looked back at the house. He didn't know if he should've lied to Dream, but he didn't want him to worry for no reason, it wouldn't be fair to shove his problems on to him.

Shutting the door and getting in the car, George sighed. He could get good or bad news from the doctor, only time would tell.

The drive to the doctors wasn't that long, only about ten minutes but it felt like an eternity, due to George making up a thousand scenarios of things that could happen.

Standing up out of the car, George felt a sensitivity in his eyes to the light outside and instantly sat down, he wasn't going to almost pass out before he went into the doctors. He waited for the feelings to pass and then stood up slowly, waiting by his car to see if he was okay to begin walking.

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