The Vote

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At McKinely In The Choir Room

Everyone does their own thing until Will arrives. Jesse was with Quinn planning on how to get Quinn back on the cheerleaders. "Maybe you can walk into her office." Jesse said to her. "That can work." Quinn said to her. "But let's try talking and if that didn't work we go to that." Jesse said to her. "Right." Quinn said to her with a smile happy she has a friend like Jesse. Kurt and Jamey were by the piano, Kurt plays on it while Jamey watches him. "You try." Kurt said to him and Jamey plays the piano. "Have you play before?" Kurt asks him. "Yeah." Jamey said to him making Kurt push him. "You told me you don't know how to play." Kurt said to him. "Oop." Jamey said to him with a smile. Jamey leads in for a kiss making Kurt out his hand on Jamey's neck. "Guys" They hear Rachel call them making the two look at her. "I have a fantastic idea for a club that would officially make me the most involved student in the whole school. I want us to start a GayLesbAll." Rachel said to them. "I'm sorry?" Jamey said to her while Kurt hugs Jamey's arm. "The gay-lesbian alliance. Gay-lesb-all." Rachel said to them and the two leaves the piano. The two walks over to Sebastian and Mike as Will walks into the room. "Hey, guys! Great news!" Will said to them making everyone look at him. "Glee club gets a photo in the thunderclap." Will said to them and the teens respond with fake enthusiasm. "Yep. It's going to show everyone at the school that glee club is on its way up. When we win regionals, those claps are going to be collector's items. I mean, all of your classmates are going to be begging for your autographs. But, I had to compromise to do it. Um, we only get a quarter page in back. Which means we have to pick two team captains to appear in the photo. So, we're going to put it to a vote! Exciting, huh? All right!" Will said to them and leaves so they can think about who to be in the picture. 

Everyone sits down and Will was in the front, Jesse was with Sebastian with her head on his shoulder while Kurt was hugging Jamey's arm. "Well, we're all here. I guess we should vote." Mercedes said to them and Rachel stands up. "With your permission, I have prepared a few words." Rachel said to them. "I nominate Rachel." Jesse said not caring about the picture. "Second." Kurt said after Jesse. "All right, let's vote up in this piece. I gotta go hit the gym and load up the guns of Puckerone for the football picture." Puck said to them and they vote. 

Will counts the votes and he looks at everyone. "Looks like everybody voted for Rachel. Including Rachel. But, we need two captains, guys." Will said to them. "Why two? We're fine with having Rachel represent us in the Thunderclap by herself." Sebastian said to him. "We'd actually prefer it." Kurt said to them and the bell rings and everyone leaves. Will walks up to Jesse. "Why don't you want to be in the picture?" Will asks her. "I just don't want to." Jesse said to him and she walks out.

Jesse exits the choir room. "Hey, Jesse." Regina said making Jesse look at her. "I can't wait to draw on your face in the Thunderclap." Regina said to her and walks over to Jesse. "And when I have Blaine on my shoulder I make sure he knows who you are." Regina said to her. "You don't even know him." Jesse said to her. "I will." Regina said to her and walks away. 

Glee - The Beginning of Glee Club Book 1Where stories live. Discover now